1680 White Oaks Rd. (95-05) ~ TO: City Clerk PUBWC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & 2203 2203 2203 2203 ** 3372 2203 3372 ** 2203 3373 3373 3370 ($546) $166 (R-1, $1.950) (Multi-Res. $2,142) All Other. $2.340 3510 Posta e TRAFFIC 3368 3368 3368 3368 3368 3368 3368 OTHER <See. ADDRESS ~OY 1Ji - *For Plan Check and Cash Deposits. send yellow copy to Finance. **Actual Cost Plus 20% Overhead (Non-interest bearing deposit) FOR CITY CLERK ONLY h:recptfrm. wk3(mp) $ /f?.5~ ~\ ~,\) ~ ~\k ~'9d'>> $ f/f'~ 7c:J ZIP RECEIVED APR 2 4 1995 CiTY CLERK'S OFFICE FROM : NCSS & ASSOC. PHONE NO. : 408 376 0877 Oct. 23 1996 09:13AM Pi N g CC a ~ a ~ a ~ A~~<O)(CJIAJrmt~ 125 E. SUNNYOAKS AVENUE "204 CAMPBELL. CALIFORNIA 95008 FROM -"?~O 1J/'r'iH (408) 376-0877 FAX 376- 0877 (408) 376- 3890 DATE__JiJ~~<d~1~_--- JOB NAME_ dtfel...)j~ JOB NUMBER__Q4- \30 TO ~J2t-- S/clJf'"A'l1tl0 A- AHetZ l~ Tll"Lb SUBJECT__&.\i~lht\ # ~&~L-- ~~ t - 4_~f__.Pb-~~-.p. Zk ,Zl ----....------------------- TRANSMITTED HEREWITH VIA: [ I MAIL [J COURIER [I SEPARATE COVER WAX ( 3 _COPIES INCL. THIS COpy) NO. DESCRIPTION -------------------------~---------------------------------------- _~_2~---.Dl?d!EIJdE-~fuJ i ~E_et\1i-Q__tl~__\---- __--------~-~ ~-rnt.rl D ~~-fQ&e42~_tf-g-uLl:\:J-:E--zJ--- _____________-~ S.. aleL:.-'C__fro~-----------"--------- ==========y~~-~-lhJ-2-~~mt~==== _---------- 8tHUJ~1-Ar22 i nmJ~C:k.A14F1:.~~..;L~~- --------~------------------------_.---------------------- -----------.----------------------------------------- ---.......------------------------------ -----_-..----- ------------------~-----------~--~----- ----------------------------------------------- --..-------------------------..--------------------------- -----------......_---------------------~ FOR YOUR: l ) USE [] FILES [) DISTRIBUTION t>4.AEVIEW [J APPROVAL ~lT:t---6F:._~f?i:.eLL FROM NCSS & ASSOC. PHONE NO. 408 376 0877 Oct. 23 1996 09:14AM P2 AMERICAN TITLE INS, CO. Esaow No After Recording Mall to: City at Campbell 70 N. FIrst Street Campbell. CA 95006 COVENANT TO GRANT EASEMENTS FOR STORM DRAINAGE PURPOSES AND PROVIDE FORTHE USE AND MAINTENANCE THEREOF ~ _I--' i"":a ...-..1\'.. u.t""E:o~"...1-J C-E. We, THE E & H THIRD AMIL Y L1MIT.ED PARTNERSHIP, a California limited partnership, hereinafter referTed to as FIRST PA TY. as to portIonS of the following described real property. hereby agree and covenant to the cr.ationiof~easemen. ts for the installation, maintenance. repa.. ir or replacement of SlI"fBce and underground prIvate orm drainage facilities, said easements to be kept open and free from buildings and structures of y kind or obstructions which impede the flaw of surface waters within graded ctainage courSe8ende ound c:i'ainage facilities and appurtenances thereto; saideasemente being more particularly d scribe as foll~s: Pn...~...v..",~ -:>'\bt~ c.~-.;.) EASEMENT 1 Ah..J t::> BEING A STRIP OF LAND 5 FEET IN WIDTH SITUATE IN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL, COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, STATE OF CALIFORNIA. SAID STRIP OF LAND B~ING AN EASEMENT FOR SURFACE AND UNDERGROUND PRIVATE STORMDRAIN PURPOSES FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOTS 1. 2 AND 3 AS SAID LOTS ARE SHOWN UPON THATCERTAIN PARCEL MAP FilED FORRECOROIN BOOK 669 OF MAPS AT PAGES 26 AND 27. SANTA ClARA COUNTY RECORDSAND BEING A PORTION OF LOT 4. AS SAID LOT 415 SHOWN UPON SAID PARCEL MAP. Tl-E EASTERL Y AND NORTHERLY LINES OF SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBEO AS FOllOWS: BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOUTHEASTERL V CORNER OF SAID LOT 4, SAID CORNER LYING ON HE NOFlTHERL Y LINE OF SHELLEY AVENUE. AS SHOWN UPON SAID PARCEL MAP ABOVE REFERRED TO; THENCE LEAVING SAID POINT OF BEGINNING ALONG THE EASTERL V LINE OF SAID LOT 4 NORTH 00' 30' 00" WEST 92.00 FEETTOTHENORTHEASTERL YCORNEROF SAID LOT 4: THENCE. ALONG THE NORTHERL YUNE OF SAID LOT 4. SOUTH 89' 36' 00" WEST 65.88 FEET TO THE NORTHWESTEAL Y CORNER OF SAID LOT 4. EASEMENT-Z BEING A STRIP OF LAND 5 FEET IN WIOTHSITUATE IN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL. COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA, 5T ATE OF CALIFORNIA SAID STRIP OF LAND BEING AN EASEMENT FOR SURFACE AND UI\[)ERGROUNl) PRIVATE STORM DRAIN PURPOSES FOR THE BENEFIT OF LOT 1 AS SHOWN UPON THAT CERTAIN PARCEL MAPFILeD~OR AECORDIN BOOK 669 01=' MAPS AT PAGES 26 AND 27, SANTACLARACOUNTYRECORDSANO BEING A PORTION OF LOT 2. AS SAID LOT 2 IS SHOWN UPON SAID PARCEL MAP LAST DESCRIBED. SAID STRIP OF LANO BEING MORE PARTICULARl Y DeSCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: ' BEGINNING AT THE MOST SOlJTHEASTEALYCORNEROF SAID LOT 2 ABOVE DESCRIBED; THENCEAlONG THE EASTERLY LINE OF SAIO LOT 2 NORTHO. 30" 00"WEST 10.00 FEETTO A POINT: THENCE LEAVING SAID EASTERLY LINE. ONA LINE PERPENDICUlAR TOTHE PREVIOUS COURSE, SOUTH89" 30' 00" WESHi.OO FEET TO A POINT IN A LINE WHICH IS PARALLEL WITH AND DISTANT 5.00 FEET. MEASUREDAT RIGHT ANGLES. FROM SAID EASTERLY LINE OF lOT 2: THENCEALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE soun-!o. 30' 00" WEST 10.00 FEET. MOREOR LESS, TOA POINT IN THE COMMON LINE OF LOTS 1 AND 2: THENCE ALONG SAID COMMON LINE NORTH 89. 36' 00" EAST 5.00 FEET. MORE OR LESS, TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING The above described easements to be filed for record In the Office of the Recorder for the County of Santa Clara, State of California atthe time of transfer of title from FIRST PARTY to purchasers of said Lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 of the above referen(;ed map; said purchasers hereinafter referred to as SECOND PARTY, THIRD PARTY, FOURTH PARTY AND FIFTH PARTY. respectively FROM NCSS & ASSOC. PHONE NO. 408 376 0877 Oct. 23 1996 09:14AM P3 Surface and underground storm drainage improvements shall be installed in accordante with the Approved Gradng and Drainage Plan tor the subject property prior to the transfer of title of any of the individual lots and costs of installation of said improvements shall be entirely borne by FIRST PARTY, their heirs . wccessors and assigns. The costs and responsibilities of maintaining the easements and/or ctainage courses and facilities, as set forth above. once granted, shall fall to the party owning the lot on which easements and/or graded c:tainage COlSses or underground facilities OCC\.l", that is. SECOND PARTY, the owner(s) of Lot 1 and so on through FIFTH PARTY. the owner(s) of Lot 4 and their heirs, successors and assigns. respectively. Any !Tant of easement pursuant to the terms of this ag-eement and all obligations and agreements herein contained shall run with the land and shall be binding on and shall enure to the benefit of the above named parties. their heirs, legal representatives, successors and assigls. IN WITNESS WHEREOF. I (we) her.to have executed this instrument this _______.---- day of ..________------ __' 1996. THE EAND H THIRD FAMIL Y LIMITED PARTNERSHIP. a California limited Pffinership EMILY C-HEN:-GENERACPARTNEA-----------.- "toe",.., ;..~~. P<t>t\'> ... '/'" U !"" . . ... .... i- ... ~. ,,' O~CHA"~' CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department. Current Planning Re: S 95-05 ; ! i ,j { April 17, 1995 Ms. Emily Chen 10190 Bret Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Please be advised that the Planning Commission, at its meeting of April 11, 1995, adopted Resolution No. 2961, conditionally approving the Site and Architectural application to allow a single-family move-on home on the above-referenced property. This approval is effective 10 days following the Planning Commission's action and is subject to the Conditions of Approval provided in the adopted Resolution. If you should have any questions regarding the Planning Commission's action or the Conditions of Approval, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (408) 866-2140. Sincerel y, jj(~S~ Gloria Sciara ~ Planner I cc: Building Division Public Works Enclosures: Draft Resolution Approved Plans 70 North First Street. Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2140 . FAX 408.379.2572 . TOD 408.866.2790 RESOLUTION NO. 2961 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL TO ALLOW A MOVE-ON SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING ON PROPERTY LOCATED AT 1680 WHITE OAKS ROAD IN AN R-1-6 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT. APPLICATION MS. EMILY CHEN. FILE NO. S 95-05. After notification and Public Hearing as specified by law on the above- referenced application as per the application filed in the Planning Department on March 10, 1995, and, after presentation by the Community Development Director, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission did find as follows with respect to File No. S 95-05: 1. The design of the proposed dwelling is architecturally compatible with the surrounding area and will be enhanced by the use of new paint colors. 2. The proposed project meets all of the development standards of the R-I- 6 (Single Family Residential) Zoning District in terms of setbacks, lot coverage, parking, open space, lot size and building height and is compatible with the development pattern of the area. 3. The development of the property will result in a density of 5.26 units per gross acre and is consistent with the General Plan density of less than six units per gross acre designated for this area. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commission concludes that: 1. The proposed project is consistent with the General Plan and Zoning District; and 2. The proposed project will aid in the harmonious development of the immediate area. Approval is effective ten days after decision of approval of the Planning Commission, unless an appeal is filed, subject to the following Conditions of Approval: Planning Commission Resolution No. 2961 S 95-05 -1680 White Oaks Road Page 2 1. Approved Project: Approval is granted for a Site and Architectural Review Permit allowing a move-on single family residence on property located at 1680 White Oaks Road. Project approval shall substantially comply with project plans prepared by Emily Chen, date stamped March 20, 1995, except as modified by the Conditions of Approval herein. Approved paint colors are indicated as Kelly Moore Malibu Beige (#216) for the base color and Kelly Moore Riviera (#156) for the trim color. 2. Revised Elevations: The applicant shall submit revised elevations, for review and approval by the Community Development Department prior to the issuance of building permits, addressing the continuation of the wainscoting from the front facade to the side elevations. 3. Tree Replacement: Applicant shall submit a tree replacement plan indicated type and size of tree, planting details and irrigation details for an y trees removed from the site for review by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of building permits. Tree plan and varieties shall conform to the Campbell Water Efficient Landscape Standards (WELS). 4. Performance Bond: ,Applicant to either: 1) post a faithful performance bond in the amount of$3,OOO lor each property to ensure landscaping and fencing within three months- of completing construction and prior to final occupancy; or 2) file a written agreement to complete landscaping, fencing and driveway areas prior to final occupancy. -~~, 5. Parcel Map: Applicant shall complete the processing of the parcel map application. 6. Park Impact Fee: Applicant shall pay a park impact fee of-$l0t290Jor each new single family residence prior to issuance of a certificate--of building occupancy. 7. Storm Drain Area Fee: Pay a storm drain fee in the amount of $1,950 per acre. 8. Grading and Drainage: Applicant shall submit three (3) copies of grading and drainage plans that show grading and drainage of the property toward the proposed public street right-of-way. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2961 S 95-05 - 1680 White Oaks Road Page 3 9. Encroachment Permit: Submit application for encroachment permit(s), submit plans, post surety and pay fees for work within the public right-of- way. 10. Property Maintenance: The property is to be maintained free of any combustible trash, debris, and weeds until the time that actual construction commences. All existing structures shall be secured by having windows boarded up and doors sealed shut, or be demolished or removed from the property. (Section 11.201 & 11.414, 1985 Ed. Uniform Fire Code.) 11. Underground Utilities: Underground utilities to be provided as required by Section 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code. (Public Works) 12. Parking and Driveways: All parking and driveway areas shall be developed in compliance with the standards in Chapter 21.50 of the Campbell Municipal Code. 13. Development Approval Expiration: The Site and Architectural approval for this project is valid for a period of one year from the Planning Commission approval. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 11th day of April, 1995, by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners: Alne, Higgins, Kearns, Lindstrom, Lowe, Meyer-Kennedy None Perrine None NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: APPROVED: Jane Meyer-Kennedy, Chair ATTEST: Steve Piasecki, Secretary u;) i'/""u'f~/ f ,,.. ~". ,,' .'. ."c'.' "':;Ii.~.,,...~~, ,',', "I" 't1'~"I' .~'~ , "d'-'<l;-.' ~"~11'; ;..;:..~ ......,......~_.. .. t-... . . . r ~ ~~J_ r. '. .. . "'I: -{ ~ .~... ;i + u" .1:-.,;,7' ::-~.~;';;J;d ~4'f-:~: :~: '~;~. ',.', , . .~.. ,.( '7':'~- .t'~i~" '. . . ..~': '<~ '~i';;::' I. ,~,d{/)'4f~, -r"c,.J f......., .' t.,~..:.,." .; -f"-,,, c.r?-- H,) ~ --rt,,~ (Nlll.- ~ : +(,Hr d.() #'f' f- 0~~' -Hu, 1'1"~[~,f 12-1(/$ C. fA.!,/ I 17 ~ f '14 J .{...'1"f.( -r-t...... / ~---+ ~ <I, ~~_: 7 ).. ~/t, w. ~/,,..,~~I,, :J"f.er..f t7/'1-t.., ","',;,IGb. w ,:"1.. ~.., t..L toll ""1 Kl wI., Ie tJ. /.c r ICur.J .h-c.-1-t., c...-, #1t6I~JI;'~ ... I" - ~,fi-f r' k ., v'l/t//,{;i~. 1-plro Dedication and Street Improvements at t.f1 ~k /hy 4..~ <.... lA../f,,~ if); ~, ~.~,/ ~ uJ,; t lJ~kj --b try ::::!.7 ., Of 7 ; 01 B' CITY OF CAMPBELL 70 NOR T H F I AS T S T R E E T CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 886-2100 DepartmenlJublic Works To Whom It May Concern Subject: &'J_ J I (d Jo f.(1) 70 APN: .. The City of Campbell hereby agrees that upon dedication of street right- of-way, the City will install full street improvements along the frontage of subject property at no immediate cost or expense to the current property owner. "~":;:~ It is understood that when a building permit, a use permit, or an ~-' architectural or site approval is sought from the City for this property, the cost of the improvements will then become due and payable. It is further understood that since this involves a dedication of property, interest on the costs of the improvements will be waived, up to the value of the dedicated land. All terms herein are in accordance with Chapter 11.24, .Street Improvements," of the Municipal Code adopted J~nuary, 1985. sign ~~)/-1q ,if J ___ . ( print 'UL\.,.IrJ 1\ - fJ.i, /kL-r.4A ~ for the City of Camp~e r .iqn~ (] ~/~ print ;" f "~--{.,, __L ~if ~,-I, nO- ; , ;." I~ for the property owner date Jl.1 L, 2) 14ft :1 .. l