CorrespondenceMEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Robert Kass Public Works Director DATE: December 2, 1994 FROM: Robert Harary~/ City Engineer Cruz S. Gomez~?~ir' Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: Abbott Avenue Vacation - Public Service Easement/Fencing We received a call on November 29, 1994 from Sue Tippets of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) concerning fencing of property vacated on Abbott Avenue by the City. The question to us from SCVWD and the property owners is where the property owners may install their fences. Abbott Avenue is a minor local access street conforming to the San Tomas street design standards as shown on the attached detail. We think that legally, the property owners can install their fences along their new property line and thereby enclose the public service easement (shown as 5 feet wide "utilities easement" on the detail) provided that the language of the utility easement does not prohibit fencing or other restricted access to the public utilities. However, we may have the obligation to require that they not fence the public utility easement, regardless of the easement language, and if that is the case, is that what we want to do? Another consideration of this issue is the minimum width requirement, per the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). We cannot approve construction of the fence at the right-of-way line because the distance between the right-of-way line and the roadway is only three feet, but the minimum width for a pedestrian way, per ADA requirement, is four feet. The bottom line is that there appears to be a conflict between the San Tomas design standards and the ADA. It is recommended that we request clarification from the City Attorney, Bill Seligmann, and then resolve this issue with Planning and Maintenance personnel. Attachment h:abbott.vac(mp) SAN TOMAS STREET DESIGN STANDARDS MINOR LOCAL ACCESS , UTILITIF.~ EASEHEN1 DEVELOPMENT ON EXI~ZTING NINOR LOCAL ACcEss STRIrrT MNWALKWAY LY ;/HERE ;,/At. KS EXIST N ) 507. OF BLOCK ON SANE /.--CURB AND GUTTER (I'INLy ~HERE C~G EX[~T~ STREET ~VIDTH L ~LF STREET RI~T rlF' WAY HALF STREET -- NE~ MIN~ LIqCAL. ACCESS STREET HALF' STREET RIGHT DF VAY HALF' STREET Policies: TraFFic VoLume < 1200/day Maximum Length : 2000 Feet (500 ?eel For cul-de-sac) Prohibited Connections , Expressway and higher Minimum Requirements For New Cons~ruction VehicLe Lanes : 2 X 10' Separate Turn Lanes : No Bike Lanes or Area: share in 10' Veh. Lanes Median'. No nn Pavemen~c Parking ~ Yes (onLy where min, haLF street exists) Pedestrian FaciLity : No · Paved Curb & Gutter : No · Street Lights : No Public Landscaplng : No · Storm Drains : Yes ~ ~ P(irk Strip ~ No · Utltit~es Easements : Yes (2X5') · Cu,-de-sac Bulb Diameter: 70' FOC-F~C, 76' ROW ~ * On ~xis~ streets with improvements on more theft 50% of tho block on the same side, match predomi-~nt aimeasio~s (tight-of-way and pavemcat width) and install predomi-nnt improvements ** On existing streets with improvementa on leas thnn Or equal tO 50% of tho block on the ~¢ side, storm d~inn are not required 11/93 MEMORANDUM crr¥ OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Robert Harary City Engineer DATE: November 30, 1994 FROM: Cruz S. Gomez ee~--~' Assistant Engineer SUBJECT: Abbott Avenue Vacation - Public Service Easement/ Fencing of Properties I received a call November 29, 1994, from Sue Tippets of the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD) concerning the fencing of the property vacated by the City. Abbott Avenue is a minor local access street as shown on the attached detail. The question to us from SCVWD and the property owners is where the property owners may or should install their fences. I will request a clarification from Bill Seligmann. I think that legally, the property owners can install their fences along their new property line and thereby enclose the public service easement (shown as 5 feet wide "utilities easement" on the drawing). However, I think that we have the right to require that they not fence the easement, and if that is the case, is that what we want to do? We need to discuss this with Ron Marquez, Planning, and our Maintenance personnel. CCi Ron Marquez Darryl Jones Lynn Penoyer h:abbott.vac(mp) SAN TOHAS STREET DESIGN STANDARDS MINOR LOCAL ACCESS D£VELDPMENT DN EXISTING M|NO~ LDCAL ACCESS STRr't"T RIGHT I~' RIGHT ~F VA¥ ~0' HALF STREET HAL,F STREET -- NE~ MIN(~ L. nCAL. ACC[SS STREET /~ WALKVAY /(ONLY VHERE / IN > 507. OF aLO~ ~ ~ ~I~) ~ C~ AND GUTTER / (~NLY VHERE ~LF STREET ~ H~ ~T~KT GRADE SHOULDER TO DRAIN UTILITIES EAS/NENT PoLicies: TraFFic Votume < 1200/day Maximum Length: 2000 Feet (500 Feet For cuL-de-sac) Prohibited Connections : Expressway and higher Minimum Requirements For Vehicle Lanes : 2 X 10' Separate Turn Lanes : No Bike Lanes or Area: share Median : No lin Pavement Parking : Yes half Pedestrian Facitity : No · in 10' Veh. lanes (only where min. 17' street exists) New Construction Paved Curb & Gutter : No · Street Lights : No PubLic Landscaping : No · Storm Drains : Yes ~, ~ Park Strip : No · Utltit;es Easements : Yes (2X5') · Cut-de-sac Bulb Diameter.' 70' FFIC-FFIC, 76' RBW ~ with impro~mcn~s on morc th-n 50% of []~ block on thc same sidc, m~t_ch [:~.410minnnt ,timcnsions (fight-of-way and pavement width) and instaU prcdOmi-nnt impxovcmcnts ** On cxisdn~ strccts with improvise, ars on less thnn or equal to 50% of thc block on thc same side, storm drains arc no~ required 11/93 October 27, 1994 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department Mr. Alan Ahlstrand Ms. Mary Donahue 1441 Juanita Way Campbell, CA 95008 Re: Abbott Avenue Vacation/Santa Clara Valley Water District Facilities Easement - 1441 Juanita Way Dear Mr. Ahlstrand and Ms. Donahue: Please refer to the attached letter dated October 3, 1994 from the Santa Clara Valley Water District concerning their existing 54-inch diameter pipeline and easement. The City has discussed this matter with the District and this letter is to inform you that the action by the City of Campbell to vacate the City's right-of-way does not in any way diminish the rights of the Santa Clara Valley Water District to have complete and continuous accessibility to their facilities. We are also enclosing a copy of City Council Resolution No. 8733 adopted October 4, 1994, which authorized the vacation. The City Clerk will record a Quit Claim Deed which will terminate the City's rights of way to the property upon its recordation with the County Recorder. The City Clerk will mail you a copy of the recorded deed after we receive a copy from the Recorder's Office. That process normally takes approximately 60 days. We thank you for your tolerance and we are sincerely appreciative of your patience. Please call me at (408)866-2163 if you should have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Assistant Engineer cci Sue Tippets, Design Coordination Section, SCVWD, 5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose 95118-3686 (w/encls) Anne Bybee, City Clerk Robert Harary, City Engineer Robert Kass, Public Works Director Enclosures File: Abbott Avenue Vacations h:abbott(mp) 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 · VaX 408.379.2572 · TDD 408.866.2790 October 27, 1994 Hank J. and Susan A. Keams 1350 Abbott Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 .O¥' CAAf.o CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department Re: Abbott Avenue Vacation/Santa Clara Valley Water District Facilities Easement - 1350 Abbott Avenue Dear Mr. and Mrs. Kearns: Please refer to the attached letter dated October 3, 1994 from the Santa Clara Valley Water District concerning their existing 54-inch diameter pipeline and easement. The City has discussed this matter with the District and this letter is to inform you that the action by the City of Campbell to vacate the City's right-of-way does not in any way diminish the rights of the Santa Clara Valley Water District to have complete and continuous accessibility to their facilities. We are also enclosing a copy of City Council Resolution No. 8733 adopted October 4, 1994, which authorized the vacation. The City Clerk will record a Quit Claim Deed which will terminate the City's rights of way to the property upon its recordation with the County Recorder. The City Clerk will mail you a copy of the recorded deed after we receive a copy from the Recorder's Office. That process normally takes approximately 60 days. We thank you for your tolerance and we are sincerely appreciative of your patience. Please call me at (408)866-2163 if you should have any questions or comments. Sincerely, Cruz S~~ Assistant Engineer cc: Sue Tippets, Design Coordination Section, Scv~rD, 5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose 95118-3686 (w/encls) Anne Bybee, City Clerk Robert Harary, City Engineer Robert Kass, Public Works Director Enclosures File: Abbott Avenue Vacations h:abbott(mp) 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 · FaX 408.379.2572 ' TDD 408.866.2790 October 3, 1994 Mr. Chuck Gomez Public Works Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Santa ClaraValley Water District 6 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CA 95118-3686 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 FACSIMILE (408) 266-0271 AN AFI:IR/~ATIVE ACTION E/~PLOYER OgT ?gg POi~LIC ';::, .... ADMINISTRATiOF, Dear Chuck: Subject: Vacation of Right of Way on Abbott Avenue The District has reviewed the letter dated August 25 from Ms. Bollier, City Engineer, to Ms. LaMere of our Real Estate Division regarding the subject project. This letter has been referred to me for response. The District's easement adjacent to the five properties on the northeasterly end of Abbott Avenue is for a 54-inch diameter pipeline. East Smith Creek is located within this pipeline. The .responsibility for and the maintenance of storm drain facilities such as this is best accomplished by a public agency. The District cannot maintain facilities in areas where we have no land rights. Hence, the District will not vacate the pipeline easement. The City's letter does not provide information as to the revised street design standards nor the dimensions of the existing right of way that would be deeded to the adjacent property owners. The street design developed for this area should accommodate the location of the existing 54-inch pipe. As the pipe has only 3 feet of cover, street improvements such as electroliers and trees may not be placed within the easement. Additionally, the relocation of fencing should not enclose our easement such that our ability to access and maintain the pipeline and our right of way is impacted. A District permit will be required from those affected landowners who may wish to relocate their fences or landscape the easement. recvcleC DaOe Mr. Chuck Gomez 2 October 3, 1994 We would appreciate receiving a map showing the street right of way to be vacated in relationship to the existing property lines and District easement. With this information, we can better determine any impacts to our facility and how to best accommodate improvements by the adjacent landowners. Sincerely, Sue A. Tippets, P.E. Associate Civil Engineer Design Coordination Division USE ONLY' ::lnillal~' .7:,: VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.1 Santa Clara Valley Water District~ $7&0 Almaden Expressway. San Jose, CA g5118. (408) 265-2600 FAX NUMBER: (408) 266-0271 PLEASE NOTE: If. the same FAX transmission is being sent to more than one company and/or agenoy, please previde required ~information. CDate:. /© ll~[~' COMPANY OR AGENCY FAX NUMBER REFERENCE.' . / : · ~ by: MESSAGE: OCT 12 '94 02:0BPM S C VALLEY WATER DISTRICT OCT 12 '94 0~:12PM S C VRLLEY NRTER DISTRICT Orantor(])~ hereb~ grant(s) to the SANTA CLARA ~OU.~T FLOOD ~s~gns~ ~e o~ 0~lt~o~nt~ G~an~eee ~or ~ood con,re1 and/or e~orm wa~er drainage purposes, an easement tn, ove~, upon~ and across the ~ollowimg described real propert~ , Coun~ o~ ~n~a OXara~ S~a~e o~ California, to Beginning at the NOrtlwesterly corner off Lot Tract Mo, 89, Rtnconada Gardens, a map of which is fl'led ~or record In Book 3 of Maps~ page ~9, Santa Clara County · Reoords~ thence along the ~es~erly line of said Lot 9 the £ollowtng courses and distances~ South 0o0~0e ~est · ae~, South 11~0~0. ~est ~2.~0 fie,il a~d South 30~2~t~0 ~®et ~0,~ ~eetj thence leavln sa1 · ?~°"8~ :07 Ess _ g ~ ~est~l¥ line ~orth 3 ~ thence Morth 6 $9'10" ~es~ J2e~ feet tO ~orth~rl¥ line of said Lot 9; thence along said Northerly lln.e South 83o00,~0. ~est 27.~2 feet to the point OF beginning° P.3 Said easement area shall be kept clear off any type of ~. b.utZd~ng~ etructure, or pavement unless prior approval ob,ta~ned..f~om Grantee, ...... Th?..:.easomeht here~n ~ranted shl'l ~nolude~.:the. right oofls~rue, t, reoonstruot, tnspect~ maintain, and r~pair a-',:.':~ .'.> ".~ °hnne~tproteot~on.votkso- , .. and appurtenant structures. - '~t ehiill, alsa-';lnolude tho right to enter upon said. land ~mplements. and o~her.:ma~erlals~, ta~e OCT 12 '94 02:15PM S C VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.4 STATE OF ~N[A 6 t~ day of ~.Y__ · _ ~. ---_~ y ..... m the year'one thousand a Nom~ Public In and for t~e Coun~ of ~~~ ., ~tate of Calt~rnla, re.idlng therein, duly comm~lmlone~ and ~worn~ (~l~ known ~ ~m Jo be ~he ~r,on d~c,i~ ~n, and e~ the ~M within initrument as ~rt ~ -- .duly acknowledg~ in the presen~ a~a~t ~ that _ .he , -executed the same and that __ , a~ant , ~ereupon, a~ at the request of said, Florence ~easonover nine hUnd~ml and. Notary Public In and for the. State Qf Cali~ornta. My Commission Expires .......... c~ ,~.~ta Clara ., subscribed _b.i~_______ .'~ name _ --as. witneu -thereto. . ::.:: IN WIT~4E$$ V/HEREOi: I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my official I~l In the _~un~ of - ~n~ ~.. the day and year in ~i, certifi~te first above written. . N~l~r~ Pubic l~ ~d ~or ~, Co,~tl one ;kom'a.q~ sis~ -- · ~: --., o Notary P~bl~ i~ ~ for ~ OCT 18 'g4 08:BBPM S CFrom: VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.1 Santa Clara Valley Water Distric6 5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose. CA g$118, (4,08) 2,~5-2.600 FAX NUMBER: (408) 266-0271 PLEASE NOTE: If the same FAX transmission is being sent to more than one company and/or agency, please provide required information. COMPANY OR AGENCY FAX NUMBER 37? REFERENCE.' Croj~ct #: Pages (Including Coversheet): MESSAGE: fl P/~/ Original will follow by: OCT 12 '94 O~:B4PM S C YALLEY WATER DISTRICT CRANT OF EASEMENT 3557212 CAMPBELL UNION , , SCHOOL DISTRICT OF SANTA CLARA COUNTY, for valuable consideration, the adequacy and receipt whereof are hereby acknowledEed' does hereby Erant to _Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District an Easement for covered storm drain? purposes, over, upon, through and across said real property belon§fn~ to safd district which is located in the County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO AND BY THIS EXPRESS REFERENCE MADE A PART ~LE~EOF. 3557212 Upon t. following temns and condit£ :~: That Campbell Union School District will be held free and harmless £rom any lawsuits or damages arising from Flood Control's activity upon the properties o£ the Campbell Union School District, and that all surface improvements renaoved or damaged by such operation will be r,~.placed to the original condition. The provisions he=eof shall inure to the benefit of and bind the heirs, successors and assigns of the respective parties hereto. IN WITNESS ~IEREOF the said district by and through the duly authorized clerk of this board of trustees has executed this Crant of Easement this. qth day of January , 19.69 . STATE OF CALIFORNIA County of Santa Clara CAMPBELL UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT Cle?~ o~ the Board of Trustees~ On this .. 9th day of January , 19 69, before me a Notary Public, in and for said county and state, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Eleanor Graham-~.rrnstrong , known to me to be the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of CAMPBELL UNION SCl-fOOL DISTRICT, governing board of said district, and known to me to be the person who executed the within instrument on behalf of said school district, and he acknowledged to me that said school district executed the same. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Sea]., day and year and the certificate first above written. ry ~ublzc in and f6r the County of Santa Clara, State of California My co mission e×pires 02:B6PM S C VALLEY WATER DISTRICT P.4 All that certain I'eaJ ],l'Oj,[.d.t~. sitt~[,tcd ]n tim CutP. Hy of 5::nra Clara, Stale of CMi. fornla, B:ing a portion of thc lams of Cr. opbell Union School District of Santa Clara County as described tn thc Deed r~c~rdcd In ~ool; lhOB, OfflcI.~l Records, page 210~ Santa Clara Count~ Official Records~ and ::or'e parttct~lavl, y descrlbcd as follows: ]lEOl.,,,i:O at thc southcar, tcrl)' :orimr or hereinbefore aentlon~d lands of Campbell Union School District, s~J:l pot,t or bci;innl~,j being the inlet-. section of U:~ .orthtrl~ Iin~ of }'olaa;'d }ioa..d vlth the easterly linc o~ ~bbott l. venu~ thence froi,~ said ooint of beCinnlng a)on~ thc castur]), ]Jnc of said lands of Ca[apbell Union School iHs:rieL 1~ lO!h'~f ~1.42 fcdt [;~orc or less to bar at U~c TRUE }'0I[:? C? BEGII:/;I;;G~ ~a;;d true poi,t o¢ bccinnlnS being al'~o southvcst,:l.]y corner or Lot 10 a~ sbotm on that certr:in Map entitled "Tract No. Clara Cotillty Official Records, }~td sot:tht.'~str;rl~ corner bein~ the intersection of thc courses t~ ~l°O0,tl lt?.dB~'e~.t ahd N l°14:U ~l,Og feet e.s ~hot,'a on said }:ap of Tract No. }Il, thence frog sa}d true point of bc6innln~, S lOl4,O0,,E 11.12 feet, thence ~ 1~!o10,4~;:;I 27.6} feet, thence Il Io19,39,q.1 3~2.12 feet, thence ~ ~ol13,38,,E 83.32 feet, thence Il 16o55'11,:Z 191.~Y feet, thence E 8°h3'3~"}; 60.70 feet, thence S O°~l,~,'d 83.76 fe~t, thence $ 16o5~,11,%.1 169.8h feet~ thence S zo4y3a,,~.~ ne. Da feet, lnnt zaid course bclng Mso the westerly line of the lands of liHtt~.ker a: de;cribed In the. Iacd recordet Book 5320, 0ff~clal Records, p~ge ~95, S~.nta Cl~,.rn County Official Records, .thence S 1~01~,39,,E fl~g.20 feet, thence S hlO10:43,5; 5.O~ feet t,, a point on the easterly line of ~aid land~ of Ca~4pl,:ll Unica SchoM District, thence along sald easterly line, S 1016'OO'}; 11.9~ feet to the TR~E POH;T OF and conialnlng 9,788.53 ~quare feet or 0.225 acre: uo~'e or less. ; · be bcarlng (~ lOll,l!) of the easterly lin~ of said land~ of C!apb~ll Union School District vas u~et as thc basis of bearings for this description. PARC EI.' T¥/O All that eertain real proue, i.ty .'.ltu;,tcd la the Cot'.nty of .~anta Clara, -, State of C.'.lifornia, I~clnfi a portion of the lands of C~apbzll Union School District of Santa Clara Count),, as described in the D~cd recorded ~r, Book i~OS, Official page 210, Santa Clara County Official ~ccoz'ds, and ~ol'e particularly described as follows: I~EiiIIIt;D;C at the northuesterly corner of the above ucntioned l~.nds of Campbell Union School Dlstvfct, said point of b,ginning being also thc north.. easterly corner of that certain 20.00 acre tract of land described in the-~ed to ,). F. Pollard record:.d In gook 75 of Deeds, p~.3c ~84, S%nta Clara. County Official ~ecords, thence frou said point of BegilUllllg along thc va,terl7 line of ~ald lands of Campbell Unto, School District, ~atd line being also the cast- o. sa.d ~O.OO acre tr~ct of land, S t}oso~u 63}.76 feet, thence ~S 1505'~ ~]~.,~_.feet, thence S ~]..~25'E l(~?,84~'eet~ tii~ncc'S lOO3O,t~ .105.5t; feet to the northuesterly co?r. er of Umt certain reservation of Life to L. H. Hiller, ~:lla A~;clia Miller, ~.:::'a Cleua )filler t~;tay, and Ch?.vley J, lfred Y. IIer as descrll,ed ir, t)::: I}2cd to C:~::pb:!l Unlo~} School District Santa Clara Coun[y recorded In }look I/:C~ Of fie. iai Recorcl3~ pea;o' 210, Clara Cou:l:~' Oif,c;,..1 Ricord~;, the,ce ~:]o:~5 ~?:~ ncl'thcrly lllie of said ~eservation of Lire ~st.~.te 1~ 85ol)7~ 80g~fect, th.nee '; 10o~9,~:,- ',~ ~ ~ ~'~ 587.32 feet, tlr~nc~ l: lO4~,CO,'- I 8~ fc~t to - ,.~-' i..',~., ' soud~crly l~nc of ),:clcnda ,~'¢enue, th~:nc¢ ce;ttinula~ Il l%l'OO:';/ 30,6~i feet to a point o~ the centevllne or }:zclenda ,,,~n,.~, tbenc~ S 76o35,tt 2,31 feet the tmint'ef l, eg~nn~nZ an~ conteAn]nq l~.)671.~F square ~eet or 0.~ ~cres or less. ~'be b:c. rl.,:..~ (S 40.50:2) of the t.:::.terl7 line of :aid lands of ¢~..:'"'.'_'11 Un!on School 1;i:;t:Ict of Sxnta Cir.!','; C¢,~:nt:.' r;'.s u~e,'l t:s the l.:-.sls or for this description. [XtIII IT A OCT J. 2 '94 02:39Pr'1 S C VALLEY NI:ITER DISTRICT orni~ I~elng o portion of the lands of Ca:n:'~bell Uni¢,n $ci~o:,l Di:,:ric/ c.f Son:a Clare Co~.' Jy subject to o life estate oF L.H. M[It,:,~ ~11,.~ /,mulia IAilh..~r, £mmo Cf,ua Mittc~ Imloy, and Chadey ^lfrta Miller c~s " de~c~o:.,..,~n Ih¢ Deed :ceo(dod in [~.o.'sk 14(."c~, Official Race;ds, page 210,, Santa Cla~a Coun;y Offic;¢l Racorck., or',d rno~e part;curm ly os BEGINNING elf Ihe southw,.-;te:ly cor,,,:~ e[ b.ds of C¢,rnpbell L'nh~ Sch,:et District hereh~a~vu ment[oned~ thence elc~rg Ihe '~,~,~:1~' [;ne of su;d Ic~d~ of C::m?bell Union School D[stricl~ N IG"4.2'I2"E ]79.22 feel to tl~ ~oHhv, u:terly cos~e,' of ti,a: certain parcel of land ~esu~ved os o llfe cslole'rn the aLovcmenhoncd' de~c.~ rhc. r.c~:~[or,g H~e northerly line of salcJ lands reser,,ed ~s a life cattle, N 86~12'12''E 7.96 [e~t, thence S 10"42'12"W 179.25 feet to b pc,h~t on t~:e northerly li~e of Pollard Rc~od, thence ule,~ sold northerly llne of Pollc. d Road, S 86"~'~"W 7.97 feet lo the point o~ b~inn[~ and conlainh~ ~383.84 squc. e feel or 0.032 acres more or luts, The bearing (S 86"00'G0"Fi of Ihe nc,thsr¥ !h;o of Po!lord Road ~'.os u:¢.d es ,~he bo. is ~f bea~ings for Ihi: description. CERTIFICATE OF CONSENT AND ACCEPTANCE This ia to certify that the interest in real property conveyed by the attached ~eed or grant to Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District is hereby accepted by the undersigned duly authorized agent on behalf of the 8oard of Directors of said Santa Clara County Flood Control and Water District, pursuant to authority conferred by Resolution No. 68-25 of said Board of Directors a~opted on the 26th day of March 1968, recorded March 27, 1968 in Sook 8069, Page 535, Official Records of Santa Clara County, California, and the grantee con- sents to recordation thereof by its said duly authorized agent. DATED, (]~.~r~..~., .;4.~ , 196 ?. // / .. :'.-~j, ?., ..~.....~'~ I0 OCT 12 '~4 02:42PM S C VALLEY WATER DISTRICT OCT 12 '94 02:45PM S C VALLEY ~ATER DISTRICT Grantor(])~ here~ grant(s) to the 5A,~rrA CLAra oou~rY FLOOD C0~TROL AMD ICATER CONSERVATI0~ DISTRICT~ its successors and assigns; State off California, Grantee, for flood control amd/or storm water drainage purposes, an easement in, over, upon, and aorosl the following described real property, Ii,ustc in , , County S~nta.. Clara, State of California, to ~.~;-(~ Beginning at the Nortlwesterly corner of Lot 9, ' Tract No. ~9, Rinconada Gardens, a map of which is filed for record in Bock ~ of Maps, page ~9, Santa Clara County ... ~ecords! thence along the ~esterly line of said Lot ~ the folloeing courses and distances~ South 0~0~'30# Vest ~6.~ feet~ South 11°0~'30" Uest ~2,~0 feet; amd South ~0°2~'~0# Vest 10,?~ fee%; thence leaving said Vesterl~ line North ?~8'~Op East ~.99 feet; thence North 1~0'~0# East 1~.~ feet; thence North 6~9'~0. Vest ~2,69 feet to the Northerly line of said Lok 9; thence along said Northerly line South 8~00'~0# Vest 27.~2 feet to the point of beginning. '.~:'.?' :';':-'. ' Said easement area shall be kept clear of any type of ':..~'~::',:;:,. . .:~ building, structure, or pavement unless prior approval is '' ''~':: ' , I ~ob,tatned: from Grantee, " prote.ottom votks~ amd appurtenant structures.- IZl'~'f:tn~lude the right to enter upon said. 1and .. ,, l~ple~ent'e~ and other materials.~ take · ,.;' , County of Santa Clara On thls G t~ .day of -- May __.in the yea~ one thousand ~".:!~ .ri!ne h~'ndred and ~l(t'9'-z~ne ., before me ~ ~T.T~¥N B. OTT ., ~ a Notary Public In and for the .... County of Sant& Cls~ z'g: __, State af California, residing therein, duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared ........ ~,~.C-..,~/~--'S~L]~°'. . ...... ~, ~: '~',~ e ;'%,~%.... ._known to me to be the person__ ~,,' ,~ . ........ -~,~ ,. ': ~. ~.,:."..'","'"47~.,.'~. who~e name~_~_iub~cribed to the within in~trument ~'~ as .......... ,wltnes~ thereto, who, being by me duly ~.. :'.~ -;. ~ .... .'~:. ~f~.','?. · ) ..:~' ~ .......................... s that_._~_ ......... w. ~1 p~lent and saw ' ;...~,. . .-, · ~,. . (~ally known to ~im . to be the pecan described in, and who e~d the ~aid Within in,trument a, part ~ thereto)~ ,Ign, ~!~ and ' deliver ~he ~amel that the ,aid __ ~ln~e ~_e~o~.~ ........ " _~duly acknowledged In the pretence ef,eald affiant ~, that ~._ ~* executed the same and that ~ .~ the ~ald ,. a~ant ~ thereupon, and at the request of ,aid ~oTe~ce ~e~8o~oveT . .. _al ., subscribed and affixed my witness ................. thereto. IN WITNESS WHEREOF I have hereunto set my hand official seal in the. County of __.._~ta..~l~ ca the day and year in this certificate first above written. Natmy Public in and for the ..... , State of California. My Commission Expires .......... Fe W.-'Hll~on aha n. ~. uoo~ · . .. ,: .... ~he per~ko exerted iht ~thi. ~t on b~haU of 1~ J atkn~ledoed to me t~t ~ch ~rp~s t~d the IN ~"ITNHS$ NTHBRBOF I hw~ keee~(o let.m~ ~r~t abo~ From: ChuckG Date: 10/12/94 To: TimH cc: BobK JimF Sub Ject: ABBOTT VACATION The property owner of APN 403-16-021 does not to accept the street vacation that would accrue to his existing property and have indicated that they have no objection if that property is vacated the owners of APN 403-16-020. I have discussed this with Bill Seligmann and he says that the City can vacate that land to the adjacent DroDert¥ owners, however, Bill feels that the Planning Department should review the proposal. In my opinion, the property should remain City right of way until it can be utilized in conjunction with APN 403-16-021, however, it is only my opinion. Please review and comment on the request of the owners of APN 403-16-020 to acquire that property. Chuckg I ITY OF 70 NORTH CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA (408) 866-2100 F Al~at~:( 408 ) 379-2572 Department: t AMPIIEt[ FIRST STREET 95008 FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: Fax Telephone No. ~ ~- 4:2:33-'"'[ ~, FROM: Number of Pages Transmitted (including this page) t--c~c-Z~.~.c~_~ ~..~-- '~OL3 t-'~--- ~--~,~W~.~--~. Transmitted from Fax Phone # (408) 379-2572 If there are any problems with this transmission, please call ~-~ r-~--z-\~-~d---.~ Dept. Phone No. EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION That certain real property in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Parcel B of Parcel Map filed in Book 430, page 53 of Maps, together with that portion of Abbott Avenue right of way as described in deed to the City of Campbell from the Campbell Union School District of Santa Clara, filed June 9, 1947 in Book 1479, page 489 of Official Records and in deed filed November 3, 1978 as Document No. 6192123 in Book E 075 page 428 of said Official Records all in the Office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of said City of Campbell land, with the Southerly line of Hacienda Avenue, 60.00 feet wide, as created by deed filed in Book 1479, page 495 of said Official Records; Thence Southerly along said Easterly line of said City land the following courses: South 56.69 feet; South 11 °00'00" West a distance of 92.40 feet; South 30025'00'' West a distance of 10.74 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Parcel B; Thence leaving said Easterly line South 00032'58'' East a distance of 72.31 feet to the Southerly line of said Parcel B; Thence South 79°08'1 5" West along said Southerly line a distance of 27.59 feet to said Easterly line of City land; Thence Southerly along said Easterly line the following courses: South 02o29'00'' West a distance of 45.52 feet; South 35°40'00'' East a distance of 50.82 feet; South 06000'00'' East a distance of 198.00 feet; South 31 °1 5'00" West a distance of 36.96 feet; South 01 °14'00" East a distance of 91.06 feet to the Southwesterly line of Lot 10 of Tract No. 311 "Vista De Las Montanas", as shown on map filed in Book 10, pages 44 and 45 of Maps, in the Office of said County Recorder; City of Campbell Abbott Vacation Page I of 2 Thence leaving said Easterly line North 51o00'00'' West along the Northwesterly prolongation of said Southwesterly line of Lot 10 a distance of 12.88 feet to a point on a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1520.00 feet, said curve is concentric with and 20.00 feet Easterly, as measured radially, from the centerline of said Abbott Avenue, a radial to said point bears North 84057'03'' East; Thence Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 02°49'03'' an arc distance of 74.75 feet; Thence continuing Northerly along a line parallel and concentric with and 20.00 feet Easterly from said centerline the following courses: North 07°52'00'' West a distance of 246.90 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 480.00 feet; Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 22005'00'' an arc distance of 185.00 feet; North 14°13'00'' East a distance of 131.16 feet to a point on said Southerly line of Hacienda Avenue, said point being on a non-tangent curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 480.00 feet, a radial to said point bears South 03047'46'' East; Thence Easterly along said curve through a central angel of 03°22'31" an arc distance of 28.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.54 acres, more or less. Attached hereto and made a part of this legal description is a plat designated Exhibit B. This legal description was prepared by me or under my supervision on September 8, 1994. Michael L Foreman, P L S 5778 City of Campbell Abbott Vacation Page 2 of 2 -S.-.07.. "17'~16,,~. PARCEL PARCEL A LOT 9. EXHIBIT B ....... BK E075/429 OR SCALE 1" = 100' LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE ll SO0°O0'O0"E 56.59' L2 S30'25'00"W 10.74' L3 S79'08'15"W 27.59' L4 S02'29'00"W 45.52' L5 S35'40'00"E 50.82' L6 S31'15'00"W 36.96' L7 N51'OO'OO"W 12.88' N84'5'; - - "-(i LOT 0 I0 cC; A = 02'49'03" a 03'22'31" R = 1520.00' [ = 74.75'I R 480.00' 28.28' NOTE: ALL DATA SHOWN HEREON IS DERIVED FROM RECORD DENOTES AREA TO BE VACATED AREA = 23,490 SQ. FT. (0.539 ACRE)J: BSI Consultonts, Inc. 2001 EAST FIRST STREET SANTA ANA, CA. 92705 (714) 568-7300 CAMPBELL.DW~ I DATE: 9/8/94 I DRAWN BY: H.W.W. I SHEET1 OF1 0 I- bJ I I SAN TF1HAS STREET DESIGN STANDARDS DEVEL~NENT rlN EXISTING N]NDR LrqCAL ACCESS STREET NINDR LBCAL ACCESS VALKWAY VHERE WALKS EXIST IN ) 507, OF' BLDCK ON SANE '~113~) CURD AND GUTTER WHERE CI, G EXISTS IN > 507. ~ BL[]CK lIN SANE SIDE) GRADE SHRUL'nER TO DRAIN STREET WIDTH STREET WIDTH 17 HALF STREET HALF S'fRE£T RIGHT OF' ~,,'AY RIGHT I3F" WAY BO' HALF STREET I'~LF STREET UTILITIES EASEMENT Po[icies: TraPPic Volume < 1200/day Maximum Length : 2000 Peet (500 Feet For cuE-de-sac) Prohibited Connections , Expressway and higher Minimum Requirements Pon New Cons~cruction Vehicte Lanes : P X 10' Paved Curb & Gutter = No · Separate Turn Lanes : No Street Lights : No Bike Lanes or Area: share in 10' Veh. tanes Pubtic Landscaping : No · Median : No Storm Drains : Yes · ~ Dn Pavemen~ Ponkln9 , Yes (arty where min. ]7' P~nk S~rip : No · h~tF s~ee~ exists) Utiti~ies Easements : Yes (8X5') · Pedestrian Focltity , No ~ Cut-de-sac Butb Diameter, 70' FBC-FDC, 76' RBW ~ * On existing streets with improvements on more than .50% of tim block on the same side, match predominant almtmioas (fight-of-way and pavement width) and iastall predominant improvements ** On existing streets with imDrovements on less than or GqttaJ to 50% of tl~ Mock on the samc side, storm d~in~ are not required October 3, 1994 Mr. Chuck Gomez Public Works Department City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Santa Clara Valley Water District 5750 ALMADEN EXPRESSWAY SAN JOSE, CA 95118-3686 TELEPHONE (408) 265-2600 FACSIMILE (408) 266-0271 AFl AFFIRMATIVE ACTION EMPLOYER Dear Chuck: Subject: Vacation of Right of Way on Abbott Avenue The District has reviewed the letter dated August 25 from Ms. Bollier, City Engineer, to Ms. LaMere of our Real Estate Division regarding the subject project. This letter has been referred to me for response. The District's easement adjacent to the five properties on the northeasterly end of Abbott Avenue is for a 54-inch diameter pipeline. East Smith Creek is located within this pipeline. The responsibility for and the maintenance of storm drain facilities such as this is best accomplished by a public agency. The District cannot maintain facilities in areas where we have no land rights. Hence, the District will not vacate the pipeline easement. The City's letter does not provide information as to the revised street design standards nor the dimensions of the existing right of way that would be deeded to the adjacent property owners. The street design developed for this area should accommodate the location of the existing 54-inch pipe. As the pipe has only 3 feet of cover, street improvements such as electroliers and trees may not be placed within the easement. Additionally, the relocation of fencing should not enclose our easement such that our ability to access and maintain the pipeline and our right of way is impacted. A District permit will be required from those affected landowners who may wish to relocate their fences or landscape the easement. ~ recycled paper Mr. Chuck Gomez 2 October 3, 1994 We would appreciate receiving a map showing the street right of way to be vacated in relationship to the existing property lines and District easement. With this information, we can better determine any impacts to our facility and how to best accommodate improvements by the adjacent landowners. Sincerely, Sue A. Tippets, P.E. Associate Civil Engineer Design Coordination Division CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department October 6, 1994 Mr. David Duwayne Dickson, et al. 1340 Abbott Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacation/Santa Clara Valley Water District Facilities Easement - 1340 Abbott Avenue Dear Mr. Dickson: Please refer to the attached letter dated October 3, 1994, from the Santa Clara Valley Water District concerning their existing 54-inch diameter pipeline and their easement. This letter is to inform all parties concerned that any action by the City of Campbell to vacate the City's fight-of-way does not in any way diminish the fights of the Santa Clara Valley Water District to have complete and continuous accessibility to their facilities. As per their letter, please contact the District prior to attempting any changes whatsoever. The City will temporarily delay the vacations to allow time for discussions with the District. Please call me at (408) 866-2163 if you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Cruz S. Gomez Assistant Engineer CC: Ms. Sue A. Tippets, Santa Clara Valley Water District,, 5750 Almaden Expressway, San Jose 95118-3686 James W. Foley, City Engineer Robert Kass, Public Works Director Attachment File: 1340 Abbott Avenue h:abbott(mw)6.0 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 · F^X 408.379.2572 - TDD 408.866.2790 :?.', EXHIBIT B o.)--.... HAc,~t?y.V~=~ PARCEL A BK E075/429 OR ~ c... ~:-5o ,'-J -7 J '~-0 o ¥'-T SOALE '7_.o) q0o F'?~ 1" = 100' LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 SO0'O0'O0"E 56.59' L2 S30'25'00"W 10.74' L3 S79'08'15"W 27.59' L4 S02'29'00"W 45.52' L5 S35'40'00"E 50.82' L6 S31 '15'O0"W 36.96' L7 N51 'O0'O0"W 12.88' C2 A 03'22'31" R 480.00' 28.28' N84'57'O3"E --'-(~-oT)--' NOTE: ALL DATA SHOWN IS DERIVED FROM HEREON RECORD J DENOTES AREA TO BE VACATED AREA = 23,490 SQ. FT. (0.539 ACRE)± CAMPBELL.DW~ BSI Consultants, Inc. 2001 EAST FIRST SLEET SANTA ANA, CA. 92705 (714) 568-7300 I DATE: 9/8/94 I DRAWN BY: H,W.W. I SHEET 1 OF 1 OCT 05 '94 03:34P~ S .. I, IAILR'ooM USE 'ONLY ent '" . :: '"' ~' 'Initials ' ~ Time " VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Santa Clara Valley Water District 6 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose. CA 95118 Telepone: (408) 265-2600 FAX NUMBER: (408) 268-0271 PLEASE NOTE: provide required information. If the same FA~ transmission is being sent to more than one company and/or agency, please To COMPANY OR AGENCY FAX NUMBER 3 7 ?-~J 7.2~ REFERENCE: ITotal Pages (Including Coversheet): Ir-1 odginal will follow by; MESSAGE: OCT 05 P.M. . A.,..S~:$s.O,,C'[. OS VISTA DE. !9 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R~. ~EIPT Effective July 1, 1994 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: 35-3396 Project Revenue (specify project) ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 3372 Application Fee Regular or Utility ($218) R-1 First Permit (No Fee), Subsequent Permit/Yr ($60) 3521 Plan Check Deposit ($500) 3521 Faithful Performance Surety (FPS) (100% of ENGR. EST) 3521 Cash Deposit (4% of FPS)($500 min.) 3521 Labor and Material Surety (100% of ENGR. EST.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Engr. Est. < $100,000 (12% of ENGR. EST.) Engr. Est. > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3372 Utility < $100,000 Conduits/Pipelines ($1.60/ft.) Above 500 Feet ($1.1 O/ff.) Manholes/Vaults/Etc. ($105/EA.) Pole Set/Removal (No Permit Required) ($100/EA) Minimum Charc, le Per Location ($115) 3372 Utility > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3373 Project Plans & Specifications Project No. 3373 Standard Specifications & Details ($12) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($.50/sq.ft.) LAND DEVELOPMENT 3372 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) ($1,040 + $22/Lot) 3372 Final Tract Map (5 or More Lots) ($1,352 + $22/Lot) 3372 Certificate of Compliance ($520) c-'~5~----_~acation of Public Streets & Easements ($546) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($546) Each Additional Lot ($166) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acre (R-t, $1,950) (Multi- Res, $2,142) (Ail Other, $2,340) 3510 Postage TRAFFIC 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) ($60) 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) ($120) 3368 Traffic Flow Map (Daily Traffic Volumes) ($26) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessment)($2,200) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Reduced Scope Assessment)($725) 3368 Truck Permits ($35/trip) 3368 No Parking Signs ($1/each or $25/100) OTHER / FOR CITY CLERK ONLY RECEIVED BY DATE *For Plan Check and Cash Deposits, send yellow copy to Finance. **Actual Cost Plus 20% Overhead h:recptfrm.wk3(m p) OCT 1 9 ,~,T~ '/CLERIC'S OFFICE' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT R~_.~EIPT Effective July 1, 1994 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: 35-3396 Project Revenue (specify project) $ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 3372 Application Fee Regular or Utility ($218) R-1 First Permit (No Fee), Subsequent Permit/Yr ($60) 3521 Plan Check Deposit ($500) * 3521 Faithful Performance Surety (FPS) (100% of ENGR. EST) * 3521 Cash Deposit (4% of FPS)($500 min.) * 3521 Labor and Material Surety (100% of ENGR. EST.) * 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Engr. Est. < $100,000 (12% of ENGR. EST.) Encdr. Est. > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3372 Utility < $100,000 Conduits/Pipelines ($1.60/ft.) Above 500 Feet ($1.1 O/ff.) Manholes/Vaults/Etc. ($105/EA.) Pole Set/Removal (No Permit Required) ($100/EA) Minimum Charge Per Location ($115) 3372 Utility > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3373 Project Plans & Specifications Project No. 3373 Standard Specifications & Details ($12) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($.50/sq.ft.) LAND DEVELOPMENT 3372 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) ($1,040 + $22/Lot) 3372 Final Tract Map (5 or More Lots) ($1,352 + $22/Lot) 3372 Certificate of Compliance ($520) 3372 Vacation of Public Streets & Easements ($546) ~ "i (_~ ~(~ 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($546) Each Additional Lot ($166) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acre (R-l, $1,950) (Multi- Res, $2,142) (All Other, $2,340) 3510 Postage TRAFFIC 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) ($60) 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) ($120) 3368 Traffic Flow Map (Daily Traffic Volumes) ($26) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessment)($2,200) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Reduced Scope Assessment)($725) 3368 Truck Permits ($35/trip) 3368 No Parking Signs ($1/each or $25/100) OTHER TOTAL $ ~'"J"~O- L.~'O ,AME OFAPP',OA,T iq. P,O.E ~o~ CITY CLERK RECEIVED BY ONLY DATE *For Plan Check and Cash Deposits, send yellow copy to Finance. **Actual Cost Plus 20% Overhead OCr 0 5 CiTY CLERK'S OFFICE' h:recpffrm.wk3(mp) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Ri:.,.,EIPT Effective July 1, 1994 ~._~.~_j.._.t- TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. P ease collect & receipt for the following monies: 35-3396 Project Revenue (specify project) $ ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 3372 Application Fee Regular or Utility ($218) R-1 First Permit (No Fee), Subsequent Permit/Yr ($60) 3521 Plan Check Deposit ($500) 3521 Faithful Performance Surety (FPS) (100% of ENGR. EST) 3521 Cash Deposit (4% of FPS)($500 min,) 3521 Labor and Material Surety (100% of ENGR. EST.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Engr. Est. < $100,000 (12% of ENGR. EST.) Engr. Est. > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3372 Utility < $100,000 Conduits/Pipelines ($1,60/ff.) Above 500 Feet ($1.1 O/ff.) Manholes/Vaults/Etc. ($105/EA.) Pole Set/Removal (No Permit Required) ($100/HA) Minimum Charge Per Location ($115) 3372 Utility > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3373 Project Plans & Specifications Project No. 3373 Standard Specifications & Details ($12) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($,50/sq.ff.) LAND DEVELOPMENT 3372 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) ($1,040 + $22/Lot) 3372 Final Tract Map (5 or More Lots) ($1,352 + $22/Lot) 3372 Certificate of Compliance ($520) 3372 Vacation of Public Streets & Easements ($546) ~ .~4-~. 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($546) Each Additional Lot ($166) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acre (R-l, $1,950) (Multi - Res, $2,142) (All Other, $2,340) 3510 Postage TRAFFIC 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) ($60) 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) ($120) 3368 Traffic Flow Map (Daily Traffic Volumes) ($26) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessment)($2,200) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Reduced Scope Assessment)($725) 3368 Truck Permits ($35/trip) 3368 No Parkin~l Signs ($1/each or $25/100) OTH ER TOTAL $ NAME OF APPLICANT h"~['[~J~'t ~'~--~: ....... z.~_~/. ~. ~---~_3'~ PHONE ADDRESS k~;='-)_. ~,,¥,-~[. ~--~C~k.~.~.~ FOR CITY CLERK ONLY RECEIVED BY ~-/'/f~ *For Plan Check and Cash Deposits, send yellow copy to Finance. **Actual Cost Plus 20% Overhead h:recptfrm.wk3(mp) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT REL Effective July 1, 1994 TO: City Clerk PUBLIC WORKS FILE NO. Please collect & receipt for the following monies: ~ccr; 35-3396 Project Revenue (specify project) ENCROACHMENT PERMIT 3372 Application Fee Regular or Utility ($218) R-1 First Permit (No Fee), Subsequent Permit/Yr ($60) 3521 Plan Check Deposit ($500) 3521 Faithful Performance Surety (FPS) (100% of ENGR. EST) 3521 Cash Deposit (4% of FPS)($500 min.) 3521 Labor and Material Surety (100% of ENGR. EST.) 3372 Plan Check & Inspection Fee Engr. Est. < $100,000 (12% of ENGR. EST.) Engr. Est. > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3372 Utility < $100,000 Conduits/Pipelines ($1.60/ff.) Above 500 Feet ($1.1 O/ft.) Manholes/Vaults/Etc. ($105/EA.) Pole Set/Removal (No Permit Required) ($100/EA) Minimum Charge Per Location ($115) 3372 Utility > $100,000 (Deposit 15% of ENGR. EST.)** 3373 Project Plans & Specifications Project No. 3373 Standard Specifications & Details ($12) 3373 Copies of Engineering Maps & Plans ($.50/sq.ft.) LAND DEVELOPMENT 3372 Parcel Map (4 Lots or Less) ($1,040 + $22/Lot) 3372 Final Tract Map (5 or More Lots) ($1,352 + $22/Lot) 3372 Certificate of Compliance ($520) 3372 Vacation of Public Streets & Easements ($546) 3372 Assessment Segregation or Reapportionment First Split ($546) Each Additional Lot ($166) 3370 Storm Drainage Area Fee Per Acre (R-l, $1,950) (Multi - Res, $2,142) (Ail Other, $2,340) 3510 Postage TRAFFIC 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (Two-Hour Count) ($60) 3368 Intersection Turn Counts (a.m. or p.m. peaks) ($120) 3368 Traffic Flow Map (Daily Traffic Volumes) ($26) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Full Scope Assessment)($2,200) 3368 Campbell Traffic Model (Reduced Scope Assessment)($725) 3368 Truck Permits ($35/trip) 3368 No Parking Signs ($1/each or $25/100) OTHER TOTAL NAME OF APPLICANT \~"~%-L~'~' t~o f~ _-~¥L~[v~ ~-~_~ PHONE FOR ~~:~' ~~ / CITY CLERK J RECEIVED BY ONLY DATE 'For Plan Check and Cash Deposits, send Ye'~owl ~o~Yt° **Actual Cost Plus 20% Overhead Finance. SEp I 21199 C' I~i,' ~ ; "'PICE h:recpffrm.wk3(mp) Alan Ahlstrand Mary Donahue 1441Juanita Way Campbell, CA 95008 September 7, 1994 Mr. Chuck Gomez City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Gomez: Enclosed please find a check to the City of Campbell in the nmount of $546.00 to cover fees involved in the Abbott Avenue Street vacation. Sincerely, Mary Donahue F':4 ".,"OR: · -~,-,~ ~.,..~ ,~ ~.- .......F. ~..-;T ...... t'l~R"'.," ~.,_,r~.~.~,_~..' ~:z;._'i ~ L.~L:~ ~ ich ~ p_U_.~ --- KEEP THiS RECEIPT. 925 Bucknam Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 28 September 1994 Mr. Robert V, ass Director, Public Works City Of Campbell Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Kass, This letter is writtern regarding our conversation in your office on 27 September lg94. We, the owners at 1340 Abbott Avenue, are in favor of the action to be taken for the approval of tlhe Grant Deed being considered on the Council Agenda on 4 October 1994 for the property at 1340 Abbott Avenue. However, we believe that the fees involved should be paid by the City of Campbell for the following reason. In action taken by the City of Campbell on the 31 January 1979 certain land was granted to the City of Campbell for Public Right or. Way purposes. It appears that the property at 1340 Abbott was the only property on Abbott from which a dedication was actually taken back in January 1979. Now, tlhe City of Caml:~bell is returning that land. Therefore, l:he City should pay any fees incurred for the return of that land to tile owners at 1340 Abbott. Tlhank you for consideration of tills matter Respectfully Yours, ~/John DuWayne D~ckson cc. City Manager SEP lgCj4 PUBLIC V~ ~,~.,...~ ADMINISTRATION MEMORANDUM To: Jim Foley Acting City Engineer From: Cruz S. Gomez Assistant Engineer Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacations Date: CITY OF CAMPBELL September 20, 1994 I got a call September 20, 1994, from Mrs. Georgia A. Henry, 1462 W. Hacienda, concerning locating the future right-of-way line (property corners?) of their property for fencing purposes. I told her that there were five property owners involved and that perhaps they could collectively employ a land surveyor to assist them to locate the right-of-way line and perhaps property corners. Do you know if the City has obligation to locate the right-of-way line? cc: Bob Kass, Public Works Director September 16, 1994 .oF'C~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department Mr. David Duwayne Dickson, et al. 1340 Abbott Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacation - 1340 Abbott Avenue Dear Mr. Dickson: At your request, the City of Campbell has prepared all of the required documents to vacate the excess right of way of Abbott Avenue in front of your property. The City Council will adopt a resolution to vacate the right of way and record a grant deed granting you the property in accordance with the adopted San Tomas Area Plan. The fee for processing the vacation and the grant deed is $546.00 payable to the City of Campbell prior to the City's recordation of the grant deed. We have scheduled the City Council resolution to be adopted on October 4, 1994, with recordation of the grant deed thereafter. Please contact me at (408)866-2163 if you should have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Assistant Engineer cc: Bob Kass Jim Foley File: Abbott Avenue vacations h:abbott.ltr(mp) 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 · F^X 408.379.2572 . TDD 408.866.2790 ~.o¥'CA~ September 16, 1994 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department Hank J. and Susan A. Kearns 1350 Abbott Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacation - 1350 Abbott Avenue Dear Mr. and Mrs. Keams: At your request, the City of Campbell has prepared all of the required documents to vacate the excess right of way of Abbott Avenue in front of your property. The City Council will adopt a resolution to vacate the right of way and record a grant deed granting you the property in accordance with the adopted San Tomas Area Plan. The fee for processing the vacation and the grant deed is $546.00 payable to the City of Campbell prior to the City's recordation of the grant deed. We have scheduled the City Council resolution to be adopted on October 4, 1994, with recordation of the grant deed thereafter. - Please contact me at (408)866-2163 if you should have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Cruz S. ~omez Assistant Engineer cc: Bob Kass Jim Foley File: Abbott Avenue vacations h:abbott.ltr(mp) 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95OO8.1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 ' FAX 408.379.2572 · TDD 408.866.2790 September 16, 1994 .O~ 'cA*tn CITY or CAMPBELL Public Works Department Kenneth L. and Hazel A. Campbell 1440 Juanita Way Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacation - 1440 Juanita Way Dear Mr. and Mrs. Campbell: At your request, the City of Campbell has prepared all of the required documents to vacate the excess right of way of Abbott Avenue in front of your property. The City Council will adopt a resolution to vacate the right of way and record a grant deed granting you the property in accordance with the adopted San Tomas Area Plan. The fee for processing the vacation and the grant deed is $546.00 payable to the City of Campbell prior to the City's recordation of the grant deed. We have scheduled the City Council resolution to be adopted on October 4, 1994, with recordation of the grant deed thereafter. Please contact me at (408)866-2163 if you should have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Cruz S.,/6omez Assistant Engineer cc: Bob Kass Jim Foley File: Abbott Avenue vacations h:abbott, ltr(mp) 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 . ~-EL 408.866.2150 · 5AX 408.379.2572 - TDD 408.866.2790 September 16, 1994 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Henry 1462 W. Hacienda Avenue Campbell, CA 95008 Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacation - 1462 W. Hacienda Dear Mr. and Mrs. Henry: At your request, the City of Campbell has prepared all of the required documents to vacate the excess right of way of Abbott Avenue in front of your property. The City Council will adopt a resolution to vacate the right of way and record a grant deed granting you the property in accordance with the adopted San Tomas Area Plan. The fee for processing the vacation and the grant deed is $546.00 payable to the City of Campbell prior to the City's recordation of the grant deed. We have scheduled the City Council resolution to be adopted on October 4, 1994, with recordation of the grant deed thereafter. - Please contact me at (408)866-2163 if you should have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, Cruz d. ~omez Assistant Engineer CC: Bob Kass ~r~ Jim Foley..~4 File: Abbott Avenue vacations h:abbott, ltr(mp) 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 · FaX 408.379.2572 . TDD 408.866.2790 BSI Consultants, Inc. To: Date: C]../~. ~,,~. BSI Job No. Project: ./~I~//' /---~-~ ~ _~' Via: [] Messenger J~Express [] Blueprinter [] Pickup KMail [] Other We are forwarding herewith: / Originals ~ Copies Prints __ Plans EC IVED SEP 13 1994 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION __ Report __Specifications __ Drawings __ Other ~2,~z~7-~',~, This material is: [] For your approval. [] Approved by us. [] For your review. [] Returned by us. [] For your files. [] For use on job. /~Per your request. [] ...... From: BSI ~SULTANTS, ...... Received by: If enclosures received are not as listed above, notify us at once. 16880 West Bernardo Drive, Suite 100, San Diego, CA 92127-1616 · (619) 451-6100 · FAX: (619) 451-1694 EXHIBIT A LEGAL DESCRIPTION That certain real property in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, being a portion of Parcel B of Parcel Map filed in Book 430, page 53 of Maps, together with that portion of Abbott Avenue right of way as described in deed to the City of Campbell from the Campbell Union School District of Santa Clara, filed June 9, 1947 in Book 1479, page 489 of Official Records and in deed filed November 3, 1978 as Document No. 6192123 in Book E 075 page 428 of said Official Records all in the Office of the County Recorder of said County of Santa Clara, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the Easterly line of said City of Campbell land, with the Southerly line of Hacienda Avenue, 60.00 feet wide, as created by deed filed in Book 1479, page 495 of said Official Records; Thence Southerly along said Easterly line of said City land the following courses: South 56.69 feet; South 11 °00'00" West a distance of 92.40 feet; South 30025'00.' West a distance of 10.74 feet to the Northwesterly corner of said Parcel B; Thence leaving said Easterly line South 00o32'58.' East a distance of 72.31 feet to the Southerly line of said Parcel B; Thence South 79°08'15" West along said Southerly line a distance of 27.59 feet to said Easterly line of City land; Thence Southerly along said Easterly line the following courses: South 02o29'00.. West a distance of 45.52 feet; South 35°40'00" East a distance of 50.82 feet; South 06o00'00'' East a distance of 198.00 feet; South 31 °15'00" West a distance of 36.96 feet; South 01 o 14'00" East a distance of 91.06 feet to the Southwesterly line of Lot 10 of Tract No. 311 "Vista De Las Montanas", as sllown on map filed in Book 10, pages 44 and 45 of Maps, in the Office of said County Recorder; City of Campbell Abbott Vacation Page 1 of 2 Thence leaving said Easterly line North 51°00'00" West along the Northwesterly prolongation of said Southwesterly line of Lot 10 a distance of 12.88 feet to a point on a curve concave Westerly and having a radius of 1520.00 feet, said curve is concentric with and 20.00 feet Easterly, as measured radially, from the centerline of said Abbott Avenue, a radial to said point bears North 84o57'03" East; Thence Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 02°49'03" an arc distance of 74.75 feet; Thence continuing Northerly along a line parallel and concentric with and 20.00 feet Easterly from said centerline the following courses: North 07°52'00" West a distance of 246.90 feet to the beginning of a curve concave Easterly and having a radius of 480.00 feet; Northerly along said curve through a central angle of 22°05'00" an arc distance of 185.00 feet; North 14° 13'00" East a distance of 131.16 feet to a point on said Southerly line of Hacienda Avenue, said point being on a non-tangent curve concave Northerly and having a radius of 480.00 feet, a radial to said point bears South 03°47'46" East; Thence Easterly along said curve through a central angel of 03°22'31" an arc distance of 28.28 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. Containing 0.54 acres, more or less. Attached hereto and made a part of this legal description is a plat designated Exhibit B. This legal description was prepared by me or under my supervision on September 8, 1994. · . Mic~i-L. Foreman, P.L.S. 5778 City of Campbell Abbott Vacation Page 2 of 2 BK I4 EXHIBIT B PARCEL PARCEL A LOT 9 BK ro75/429 OR SCALE 1" = 100' LINE DIRECTION DISTANCE L1 SO0'O0'O0"E 56.59' L2 S30'25'00"W 10.74' L5 S79'08'15"W 27.59' L4 S02'29'00"W 45.52' L5 S35'40'00"E 50.82' L6 S51 '15'O0'W ,36.96' L7 N51 'O0'O0"W 12.88' LOT tO IC1 I~= 02'49'03" R = 1520.00'1L = 74.75'I C2 IA 03'22'31" R 480.00' L 28.28' NOTE: ALL DATA SHOWN HEREON IS DERIVED FROM RECORD I DENOTES AREA TO BE VACATED AREA = 25,490 SQ. FT. (0.5,39 ACRE)+ CAMPBELLDWG BSI Consultonts, Inc. 2001 EAST FIRST STREET SANTA ANA, CA. 92705 (714) 568-7300 DATE: 9/8/94 I DRAWN BY: H.W.W. I SHEET 1 OF 1 to the ](ap thereofifL~e~ June J, 19~ Zu~th® the County Recor~e~-off'the County off ~nta ~c* of Oa2~fo~nta,-l~ 1o2u~ 10 of ](ape, pag~l . vrm.l ourk~l a ~ 25~h 4,vd ~000 ~000 ~000 "~ '~ r'n mr- 0 Zr- 0 Z ~oo ~00 rnO r'm9 I 0 '0 OI ~ ~1 ~II MEMORANDUM Lynn Penoyer To: Public Works Superintendent Date: From: Cruz S. Gomez Assistant Engineer Subject: Abbott Avenue Vacation, East Side, Wood Pole Barrier CITY OF CAMPBELL September 12, 1994 City will be vacating a portion of the east side of Abbot Avenue south of Hacienda Avenue. There are existing wood pole barriers along there. Whose are they? Who placed them? Do you have any idea how far east of the centerline they are? Property owners have indicated that they would be fencing the vacated areas. The furore east line of Abbott Avenue will be 20 feet east of the centerline with a 5 foot wide PSE east of it. New fence lines could be at 20 feet east of centerline. What will become of wood poles? Some property owners have indicated that they could use them. cc: Jim Foley Ron Marquez Bob Kass h:abbott(mw)6.0 I ITY OF I AMPBELL 70 NORTH F~RST STREET O^MPBELL, OALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works Date: ~I,-- --L.--~-~4- FACSIMILE COVER SHEET TO: Fax Telephone No. FROM: Number of Pages Transmitted (including this page) MESSAGE: Transmitted from Fax Phone # (408) 379-2572 If there are any problems with this transmission, please call Dept. Phone No. CIsro, th~ '~Lj 'end this ce-ti firth[ first al:k)~u)ritt~m, -. ~ :': '-.- ! ': . ,:.. '. ' ,- -~'~ I~.~ic i~ 'anct fgr zh~ (gur~tj of 5entaOJrd 5~[e,af~lifornla~ ,' ....: - _ .~ :. ./~, ;.: ....... .,.. x,. "~.~ AC~.~S' ' '- . ~.~. s'rAND~S~' to CUAR~NC~ ~OOD- 2~,~ o.~.. . .~ :' ' '.'4:' , '~ · Fut~[~ ~ntcrli~ of ~I~I]LJ~ 'T · , ~, ' B, UILDING ~o0. oo N.83't~,' 20'E.. [~?ItZ,9 IO0, O0 AVE NUE I .671 AC. ~ .6TZ AC. o August 25, 1994 Ms. Sally Lamere 5750 Almaden Expressway San Jose, CA 95118 CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department SUBJECT: VACATION OF RIGHT-OF-WAY ON ABBOTT AVENUE, CITY OF CAMPBELL Dear Ms. Lamere, The City of Campbell adopted revised street design standards for the San Tomas Neighborhood, which reduces the width required for street right-of-way on residential streets. The five (5) property owners adjacent to Abbott Avenue at the Northeast end, have requested that the City vacate the excess right-of-way that has resulted from the new standards. The City is in the process of preparing documents to vacate this excess right-of- way and grant the property to the adjacent property owners. Staff has scheduled this item for the September 20, 1994 City Council meeting. The SCVWD currently has an easement within the area to be vacated, with a 54 inch diameter pipeline. The SCVWD easement will not be affected by the action to be taken by the City to vacate and deed the property. However, if this easement is no longer required, the SCVWD may want to consider vacating the easement concurrently with the City actions. Please advise the City as to whether the easement is still required, prior to the Sept. 20th Council meeting. If you have any questions please call Chuck Gomez or myself at 866-2150 Very truly yours,, ~an M Bol/ lier, PE City Engineer CC: file Abbott Ave. Vac. Bob Kass; Chuck Gomez 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 · FAX 408.379.2572 · TDD 408.866.2790 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Department: Public Works Date: /~ t_~. '-'~, tctctz~- TRANSMI'I-r'AL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE (~ITY ENGINEER TO: are forwarding via: Mail Messenger Separate Cover Enclosed ~ Attached Other The following: Remarks: h: CEtrans(jd) CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department August 24, 1994 Susan K. Vollmer Survey Analyst/Real Property Agent BSI Consultants, Inc. 2001 East 1st Street Santa Ana, CA 92705 SUBJECT: PROPOSAL FOR VACATION OF PORTION OF ABBOT AVENUE Dear Susan, The City accepts your proposal dated August 22, 1994 for preparing documents to vacate excess right-of-way on Abbot Ave. and grant it to the five (5) adjacent property owners. Attached is a signed copy of your proposal. You are hereby authorized to begin work immediately. We are gathering the information you requested in your proposal and will send it in overnight mail tonight. This work shall be performed under the Agreement between the City and BSI dated August 3rd, 1994, attached, and a purchase order will be prepared for this project. I need to clarify the new street section after the vacation occurs. Abbot Ave. is a minor local access street and the final cross section shall comply with the design standard attached. This consists of a 20 ft. half street right-of-way plus a 5 ft. Public Utilities Easement. Per your proposal, the City will receive the final documents on Friday, September 9th before noon, or sooner. I will be your contact until September 2nd. After that time please contact Chuck Gomez .at (408) 866-2163. We look forward to working with you on this project. V~y truly yours, JOan M. Bollier, P.E. City Engineer attachments cc: file Abbot Ave Chuck Gomez: Bob Kass 70 North First Street . Campbell, California 95008.1423 . TEL 408.866.2150 . F^X 408.379.2572 . TDD 408.866.2790 FR~ B$I $~NT~ ~N~ 8.25.1994 10:52 P. 1 BSI Consultants, Inc. August 22, 1994 City of Campbe// 70 North First Street Campbell, California 95008 Attention: Joan 8ollier, City Engineer Subject: Proposal for vacation of portion of ,4bbot Avenue. Dear Ms. 8ollier: ES/Consultants, Inc. is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Campbell. It is our understanding that the City w/shes to vacate that port/on of the granted R/W for ,4bbott Avenue that is in excess of a 20.00 foot w/de half street, and is adjacent to the following five properties: APN: 403-16-01, 77, 75, 20, & 21. 85/Consultants will provide the following scope of services: 1. Prepare a legal description and p/at for that port/on of ,4bbott to be vacated by the City Council. 2. Prepare five (5) individual Grant Deeds w/th/ega/descriptions and p/ats for the areas to be granted to the adjacent property owners. Ownership to be determined from copy of current vesting deed. This proposa/ doses not include the cost of obtaining a Preliminary Title Report. All/ega/descr/pt/o/~ will be signed by a professional Land Surveyor in compliance with the Subdivision Map Act. The City wf// provide to 8SI the roi/owing documents: Copy of Tract No. 311 "Vista De Las Montanas" CO;y of Assessors Parcel Page$ showing the Southwest and Southeast corners at Hacienda and Abbott. The current vesting deeds for the 5 adjacent properties. The Proposed Fee for above scope of services is $4450.00 2001 Eas! 1st Sbeot, Sama Alia, CA 92705 * [714) 568-7300 · PAX {71,1] 836.5.cJ0C, FAX This fee does not included any coordination with the Water District regarding the easement they have across a port/on of the property to be vacated and granted. Per our telephone conversation of today, a check w/th your City Attorney should/nd/cate that you do not have to Involve the Water D/strict in this process. The land would JUSt be granted to property owners subject to said Water D/strict easement. ff you approve of this scope and fee, please/nd/cate your approval below. We will be able to begin immediately upon receipt of Tract No. 311 and your approval. If we receive your approval and copy of Tract Map no later than August 25 we will be able to deliver ail documents to you no later than September 9, 1995. We appreciate the opportunity to serve the City of Campbell and look forward to working with you on this project, ff you have any questions please do not hesitate to give me a call at (714) 568-7300. Sincerely, B$1~S~L TANT$, INC. Survey Analyst/Rea/Property Agent Approved: Joan 8dllier, City Engineer Date SAN TFIMAS STREET DESIGN STANDARDS MINOR LOCAL ACCESS DEVELI~PNENT ON EXISTING WALKS EXIST ) 50Z 0F BLOCK ON S~E SIDE) CUR~ ANB GUTTER (ONLY WHERE C&G EXISTS ~MC SI~E) Ai soq- -- N['~/ MIN~R Lt'ICAi. ACCESS STREET GRAD£ SHOULDER Tn DRAIN STI VIDTH STREET WIDTH 17 HALF H~N.F STREET RIGHt OF' WAY ~0' HALF' STREET HALF STREET UTILITIES Po[ic;es: Tra??ic Volume < IP00/day Maximum Length : 2000 Feet (500 Feet For cul-de-sac) Prohibited Connections : Expressway and higher Hinimum Requiremen-t:s For' New Cons±putt:ion Vehicle Lanes : 8 X 10' Separate Turn Lanes : No Bike Lanes or Area: share Median:No Iqn Pavemenl: Parking : Yes half Pedestrian Facltlty : No ~ in 10' Veh. lanes (only where min. 17' street exists) Paved Curb & Gutter : No · Street Lights : No Public L(lnctscaplng : No · Storm Drains : Yes · ~ · Park Strip : No x~ Utltitles Eclsements : Yes (2X5') · Cut-de-s6c ~utb Dic~eter, 70' FOC-FDC, 76' RBW ~ * On c~srl-~ streets with improvements on more thnn 50% of thc block on the smnc sidc~ match prcdomlnnnt almensions (right-of-way and pavement width) and in<tall predomlnnnr improvements ** On czJsdz~ streets with improvements on le~s thnn or equal to 50% of th~ block on the same side, storm drnin< arc not required I 1 / 9 3 ~"~'~'~ CITY OF (~AMPBEtl 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 (408) 866-2100 FAX # (408) 379-2572 Date: Department: Public Works TRANSMITTAL FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER TO: SUBJECT: We are forwarding via: Mail Messenger Separate Cover Enclosed ~ Attached Other The following: Remarks: h: CEtrans(jd) August 11, 1994 CITY OF CAMPBELL Mayor's Office Mr. Alan Ahlstrand Ms. Mary Donahue 1441 Juanita Way Campbell, CA 95O08 Dear Mr. Ahlstrand and Ms. Donahue: Thank you for inquiring about the status of thc excess street right of way on Abbott Avenue. As you indicated in your letter, there is excess street right-of-way on Abbott Avenue that will not be needed for street purposes, per the San Tomas Neighborhood Plan. Public Works staff has researched the stares of this excess prope~] and determined that it was dedicated to the City by the Campbell Union School District and contains an easement which was granted to the Santa Clara Valley Water District (SCVWD). The City intends to vacate the excess right-of-way; however, the SCVWD easement may have to be retained for SCVWD maintenance purposes. Staff will pursue this issue with the District and advise all affected property owners. A public hearing is required for the City Council to vacate the property. Public Works staff has tentatively scheduled this public heazing for the September 16, 1994 City Council meeting. Staff will also record a Notice of Fulfillment for any outstanding street improvement agreements recorded against the subject properties. If you have any questions, please contact Joan Bollier, the City Engineer, at 866-2159. City of Campbell CC: file Abbott Ave. Bob Ku.~e~ Public Works Director j:~jmb\ld\abbott 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95OO8.1423 - TEL 408.866.2129 - FAX 408.:374.6889 · TOD 408.866.2790 July 27, 1994 Mayor Jeanette Watson City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Alan Ahlstrand Mary Donahue 1441 Juanita Way Campbell, CA 95008 (408) 866-0214 Re: Abbott Avenue street vacation Dear Mayor Watson: The San Tomas Area Plan of 1993 made many changes, among them that Abbott Avenue would not be widened, and therefore a strip o~ excess street right-of-way on Abbott could be vacated to the five adjacent property owners. A map of the affected area is enclosed. Speaking for the five property owners, I began talking to assistant city engineer Mike Fuller in late summer of 1993. I offered to help with the process, and Mr. Fuller suggested I help with the research by contacting the Santa Clara Valley Water District for information (the SCVWD was a possible previous owner of the land). I did this, and relayed to him information about easements. The person I spoke with at the SCVWD was Sally Lamere, who said all the district required was a "simple title search." She was quite helpful and made it sound as though working with the water district would be easy. On Nov. 5 of 1993 Mr. Fuller said he would ask the city engineer to start looking into the location of the Abbott Avenue street centerline. On that day, I also talked to the Santa Clara County tax assessor's appraiser, John Tompkins, who assured me that our property taxes would go up only a minimal amount (probably less than $25 a year) because the strip of land has no value. In a conversation last January, Mr. Fuller told me we would be taken more seriously if we wrote a letter. We wrote the letter, explaining how we had saved the city money by cleaning up trash and maintaining the area, and had it signed by the four other property owners (copy enclosed). On May 5, Mr. Fuller told me "we are working on it as time permits. " On July 19 I called Mr. Fuller and was told he had resigned. In the meantime, the San Tomas school site has been sold. Although we were worried about how development'of the site would affect our privacy, some of the five of us attended meetings, supported development, and spoke up in defense of the city staff. In part, we did this because we understood we'd be given the excess street right-of-way, and so could plant trees to protect our privacy. We have been on the back burner for months now. We've lost a growing season for the buffer trees we would like to plant. The San Tomas property is in escrow. Now that the site has been sold, certainly the street centerline will need to be determined for the development. Can you help us to finally get things moving? On behalf of our neighbors and ourselves, thank you. Sincerely, Mr. and Mrs. Alan Ahlstrand GARDENS 3URROW5 P.M. 502-M - 22 X, ~57; ;'4-~ f' ¥'. 18 s6 TRACT VISTA DE L I~11 ,. 27 ;6 2 22 Jan. 9, 1994 Mr. Mike Fuller Planning Department, City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Fuller: This letter is in regard to the strip of vacant land along the east side of Abbott Avenue in Campbell. Several years ago, this vacant area was a popular spot for dumping and reckless driving. People would dump trash in large quantities and the city of Campbell would have to send someone to pick it up. ° After a car rolled over while driving through the vacant area, the city installed a barrier of used telephone poles around the widest portion of it. This cut down on the reckless driving. Three of the families along Abbott began maintaining the property, mowing, planting trees and flowers, and picking up trash. The incidence of trash dumping has been greatly reduced since we began this practice. The reduction in both of these problems has doubtless saved the city money. Since the San Tomas policy has passed, we understand that this strip of land is now excess right-of way that could be vacated to adjacent property owners. We would like to have this occur. Some of us would like to plant additional landscaping in the vacant land to screen our yards if the San Tomas school site is developed with two-story houses. And even though the maintenance work is divided among three families, it would seem less of a burden if we owned the property. We think that vacating the vacant strip to the adjacent property owners be to the advantage of the city as well as to the property owners. We hope you will move this project up on your list of priorities. Jan. 18, 1993 Mr. Mike Fuller Planning Department, City of Campbell 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Fuller: Today I finished circulating the enclosed letter to my neighbors who border on the strip of vacant land on Abbott Avenue. Something has come to my attention that wasn't in the original letter. The barrier of used telephone poles that the city installed protects two of the lots on Abbott, but doesn't extend all the way to Hacienda. It seems there have been a considerable number of reckless driving incidents with people spinning out in the gravel at the Hacienda end of Abbott. My neighbor Mike on the corner says that because cars have almost gone through his fence, he has moved his child's sandbox to the rear of the yard. Cars have also sprayed gravel over the fence onto the new paint job on his car. Mike would like very much to put up a safety barrier. Vacating the excess right of way to the property owners would make this possible. Sincerely, Mary D~~~ eric. Jan. 9, 1994 M~, Mike Fuller Planning Department, City of Campbell 70.North First Street 'CamPbell, CA 95008 Dear Mr. Fuller: This letter is in regard to the strip of vacant land along the east side of Abbott Avenue in Campbell. Several years ago, this vacant area was a popular spot for dumping and reckless driving. People would dump trash in large quantities and the city of Campbell would have to send someone to pick it up. After a car rolled over while driving through the vacant area, the city installed a barrier of used telephone poles around the .widest portion of it. This cut down on the reckless driving. Three of the families along Abbott began maintaining the property, mowing, planting trees and flowers, and picking up 'trash. The incidence of trash dumping has been greatly reduced since we began this practice. The reduc'~ion in both of these problems has doubtless saved the ~oity money. Since the San Tomas policy has passed, we understand that this strip of land is now excess right-of way that could be vacated to adjacent property owners. We would like to have this occur. · Some of us would like to plant additional landscaping in the vacant land to screen our yards if the San Tomas school site is developed with two-story houses. And even though the maintenance work is divided among three families, it would seem less of a burden if we owned the property. We think that vacating the vacant strip to the adjacent property owners be to the advantage of the city as well as to the property owners. We hope you will move this project up on your list ofI priorities. Since rely, MEMORANDUM CONFIDENTIAL: ATTORNEY-CLIENT PRIVILEGED TO: FROM: Chuck Gomez, Public Works Bill Seligmann, City Attorney Vacation of San Tomas Right-of-Way, etc. August 1, 1994 Backgroun~ The City of Campbell entered into various agreements with regard to street improvements in the San Tomas Area Neighborhood wherein the City was granted fee simple rights to various easements and rights-of-way on the property. However, the City has since deemed the improvement~ unnecessary and desires to return the property back to the granting owners. As a result, the City has requested a legal determination as to what the procedures are for returning the various easements and rights-of-way. ISSUS What arethe available procedures for the City of Campbell to return property i.e. easements, acquired for improvements in the San Tomas neighborhood? Discussion Generally, the vacation of easements is governed by California Streets & Highway Code §S8300 et seq. Within this statutory framework, there are two possible vacation procedures: 1) General and 2) Summary. The summary vacation procedure is the easier of the two possibilities and available for both excess right-of-ways and public service easements underthe following circumstances: Pursuant to Streets & Highway Code section 8334, cities may summarily vacate an excess right-of-way of a street or highway not required for street or highway purposes. In the case of the City of Campbell, the various San Tomas rights-of-way would fall within this definition and would be thus eligible for summary vacation. St~mmary vacation is also available to easements which meet the following requirements: public service -1- a® be The easement has not been used for the purpose for which it was dedicated or acquired for five (5) consecutive years immediately preceding the proposed vacation (Sts. & High. Code S8333(a)); The date of dedication or acquisition is less than five (5) years and more than one year, immediately preceding the proposed vacation and the easement was not used continuously since that date (Sts. & High. Code §S333(b)); or Ce The easement has been superseded by relocation and there are not other public facilities located within the easement (Sts.& High. Code ~8333(c)). A public service easement is defined as a right-of-way, easement, or use restriction acquired for public use by dedication or otherwise for sewers, pipelines, poi.lines, electrical transmission and communication lines, pathways, storm drains, drainage canal, water transmission lines, light and air, and other limited use public easements other than for street or highwa~ purposes. (Sts.& High. Code ~8306). Again the various right-of-ways held by the City would be considered excess right-of-way under Section 8334 and not public service easements becausethey were held for street purposes. In order to summarily vacate these right-of-ways, the city council must adopt a resolution of vacation which states all of the following: (1) That the vacation is made pursuant to Chapter 4. Summary Vacation of the California Streets & Highway Code. - (2) The name or other designation of the public service easement and a precise description of the portion vacated. The description of the portion vacated may be by a precise map which is recorded or to which reference is made in the resolution and which is permanently maintained by the City. (3) The facts under which the summary vacation is made. (4) That from and after the date the resolution is recorded, the street, highway, or public service easement vacated no longer constitutes a public service easement. (Sts.& High. Code ~8335). Once the resolution has been adopted, the resolution of vacation must then be recorded in the office of the recorder of the county in which the property is located. From the date of such recording, the vacation will be complete. (Sts.& High. Code s336). -2- If summary vacation were not possible, the general provisions of Streets & Highways Code section 8300 et 'seq. would apply. First, the City Council must consider the City's general plan and submit the matter of the proposed vacation to the planning commission pursuant to streets & Highways Code section 8313. The planning commission must make a report as to the conformity of the proposed street vacation with the city's general plan within 40 days or some other period of time designated by the city council. If the planning commission fails to make its report, it will be conclusive evidence the vacation is in conformity with the city's general plan. Then, the city council must adopt a resolution of intention to vacate and set a time and place for a hearing on the proposed vacation. (Sts. & High. Code S8320). Notice of the hearing must be published and posted. After receiving evidence from interested persons at the hearing, if the city council finds the easement proposed to be vacated is unnecessary for present or prospective public use, the council may adopt a resolution vacating the easement. The city council may impose conditions upon the vacation and upon recording and compliance with conditions, if any, the vacation is complete. Conclusion The summary vacation procedure contained in Streets & Highway Code section 8330 et seq. is available for the City of Campbell to return property i.e. easements, acquired for improvements in the San Tomas neighborhood. ~.. -' .. -3- AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AND BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. FOR PROFESSIONAL ENGINEERING AND CONSULTING SERVICES This Agreement is entered into at Campbell, California on the 3 rd Auqust day of ~994 , by and between the CITY OF CAMPBELL (hereinafter referred to as "City") and BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. (hereinafter referred to as "Consultant"). WHEREAS, City desires to obtain consulting services for the purpose of ongoing land development support services; (hereinafter referred to as "project"); and WHEREAS, Consultant represents that it has the expertise, means, and ability to perform said studies; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of each other's mutual promises, Consultant and City agree as follows: 1. DUTIES OF CONSULTANT 1.1 Consultant agrees to perform the following work: Ongoing land development support, including but not limited to, plan review for construction of improvements in the public right-of-way, grading and drainage plan review, map review, and preparation of legal descriptions and plats. 1.2 Consultant's project manager will meet with the City's project coordinator prior to commencement of the project to establish a clear understanding of the working relationships, authorities, management philosophy of City as it relates to this Agreement. !.3 Consultant, working with City, will gather available existing information coacerning the project, and shall visit the project site and/or review doc~,ments as necessary to insure compliance with the project's objectives. 1.4 In performance of this Agreement by Consultant, time will be of the essence and the services to be rendered by the Consultant shall be performed within the following time frames: Construction plan review: Grading and drainage plan review: Map review: calendar days calendar days. calendar days -1- Deviations from the time frames listed, and time frames for work not listed, shall be agreed upon between the City and the Consultant. 1.5 Notwithstanding Section 1.4, Consultant shall not be responsible for delay caused by activities or factors beyond Consultant's reasonable control, including delays or by reason of strikes, work slow-downs or stoppages, or acts of God. 1.6 degree of skill profession. Consultant agrees to perform this Agreement in accordance with the and expertise generally exercised by local members of Consultant's 1.7 Consultant shall cooperate in good faith with City in all aspects of the performance of this Agreement. 1.8 In the course of the performance of this Agreement, Consultant shall act in the City's best interest as it relates to the project. 1.9 The designated project manager for Consultant shall be Lumen Arceo The Consultant project manager shall have all the necessary authority to direct technical and_ professional work within the scope of the Agreement and shall serve as the principal point of contact with City and the City's project coordinator. The authorized principal of Consultant executing this Agreement for the Consultant shall have authority to make decisions regarding changes in services, termination and other contractual matters on behalf of Consultant. The Consultant principal, Scott Fazekas , shall be called the Consultant Contracting Officer. 2. DUTIES OF CITY 2.1 as follows: City agrees to compensate Consultant for performance of the project An individual purchase order shall be prepared by the City for each item of work, for the actual costs incurred. Once each month, Consultant shall submit for payment by City, an itemized invoice for services performed during the previous billing period. The invoice shall describe the services rendered and the rifle of the item of work, and shall list labor hours by personnel classification. Said invoice shall be based on all labor and direct expense charges made for work performed on the project. Labor charges shall be in accordance with the fee schedule found in Attachment 1 of this Agreement. City shall pay Consultant for services rendered and approved by the City within 30 days from the date the invoice is received by the City. -2- Direct expenses are those outside costs incurred on or directly for the project, and substantiated with invoices for the charges. Direct expenses include printing, reproductiorx, and delivery charges. All costs associated with outside services and facilities; and other similar costs shall be determined by multiplying the actual charge by a factor of 1.15. 2.2 City agrees to pay the costs of other fees and changes not specifically covered by the terms of this Agreement, but which are necessary for performance of Consultant's duties. 2.3 City has appointed the City Engineer as Project Coordinator. The City Engineer shall be the principal point of contact for the City with Consultant and shall have all the necessary authority to make decisions and enforce technical and professional decisions within the scope this Agreement on behalf of City. For matters involving changes in services, termination, and other contractual issues, Mr. Robert Kass, Public Works Director, shall have the necessary authority to act on behalf of City. Mr. Kass shall be called the City Contracting Officer. 3. CHANGES IN SERVICES 3.1 City may order changes in the scope or character of services, either decreasing or increasing the amount of Consultant's services. In the event that the work is decreased, Consultant is entitled to full compensation for all services performed and expenses incurred prior to receipt of notice of change at the rates set forth in Attachment 2. 4. SUBCONTRACTORS 4.1 Consultant may not subcontract any services required under this -Agreement without the prior written consent of the City. 4.2 Prior to authorizing any subconsultant to work under this Agreement, Consultant shall submit to City evidence that the subconsultant agrees to indemnify, defend and hold City, its agents, officers, attorneys, employees and officials harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, injuries or damages arising out of any negligent acts, errors and omissions or intentional misconduct on the part of subconsultant, its agents, officers, employees, or anyone rendering costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending any action covered by this provision. 4.3 Consultant shall be responsible to City for the performance of any and all subconsultants who perform work under this contract, and any acts of negligence on their part. Consultant is solely responsible for all payments due to subconsultants. $. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS All original drawings, documents, papers, data, materials, photographs, negatives and other work products prepared by the Consultant or its subconsultants in the performance of the services encompassed in this Agreement shall be the property of the City and may be used without the consent of the Consultant or its subcontractors. City acknowledges that such drawings, documents, and other items are instruments of professional services intended for use only on the subject project. In the event the City uses the instruments for other purposes, the City agrees to hold harmless and indemnify Consultant against any claims, losses and damages arising out of such use. 6. TERMINATION Notwithstanding any other provision of this Agreement, City may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, in its sole discretion, by giving notice in writing to Consultant of such termination. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall have the fight and obligation to immediately assemble the work then in progress for the purpose of winding up the job and turning over all materials and doo~ments to City. In the event of such termination, Consultant shall be compensated for all work and services performed to the point of termination in accordance with the payment provisions set fortl~ in Section 2.1, unless the termination is for cause, in which event Consultant need be compensated only to the extent required by law. 7. AUDIT AND INSPECTION Consultant shall permit authorized representatives of Agency and City to inspect and audit all data and records relating to its performance under this Agreement for a period of three years following acceptance of the final study. - 8. EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY Consultant agrees to refrain from discriminatory employment practices on the basis of race, religious creed, color, sex, national origin, handicap, sexual orientation, or ancestry of any employee of, or applicant for employment with, such Consultant or subcontractor. 9. INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION 9.1 Consultant agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold City, its agents, officers, attorneys, employees and officials harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, injuries or damages arising out of any negligent acts, errors and omissions or intentional misconduct on the part of the Consultant, its agents, officers, employees, or anyone rendering services on their behalf. This indemnity shall include reasonable costs and attorney's fees incurred in defending any action covered by this provision. 9.2 specifications: Consultant shall maintain insurance conforming to the following A. Minimum Scope of Insurance Coverage shall be at least as broad as: 1. Insurance Services Office Commercial General Liability Coverage, Standard Accord Form 25-5 (7/90). 2. Insurance Services Office Accord Form 25-S (7/90) covering Automobile Liability code "any auto." 3. Worker's Compensation insurance as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer's Liability insurance. 4. Professional liability and/or Errors and Omissions acceptable to City. B. Minimum Limits of Insurance insurance as Consultant shall maint_ain limits no less than: 1. General Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per occurrence for bodily, personal injury and property damage. If Commercial General Liability Insurance or other form with a general aggregate limit is used, either the general aggregate limit shall apply separately to this project/location or the general aggregate limit shall be twice the required occurrence limit. 2. Automobile Liability: $1,000,000 combined single limit per accident for bodily injury and property damage. 3. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability: Worker's Compensation limits as required by the Labor Code of the State of California and Employer's Liability limits of $1,000,000 per accident. 4. Professional liability and/or Errors and Omissions: $1, ~.000 per clai~ and in the anntlal aggregate with a deductible of $150,000. ~.- ~___z- ~'~ C. Deductible and Self-Insured Retention Any deductibles or self-insured retention must be declared to and approved by the City. At the option of the City, either: the insurer shall reduce or eliminate such deductibles or self-insured retention as respects the City, its officers, offidals, -5- employees, and volunteers; or the Consultant shall procure a bond guaranteeing payment of losses related investigations, claim administration, and defense expenses. D. Other Insurance Provisions The policies are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, the following provisions: 1. General Liability and Automobile Liability Coverage: a. The City, its officers, employees, and volunteers are to be covered as insureds as respects: liability arising out of activities related solely to this Agreement performed by or on behalf of the Consultant, products and completed operations of the Consultant, premises owned, occupied or used by the Consultant, or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Consultant. b. The Consultant's insurance coverage shall be primary insurance as respects the City, its officers, offidals, employees, and volunteers. Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by the City, its officers, offidals; employees, or volunteers shall be excess of the Consultant's insurance and shall not contribute with it. c. Any failure to comply with reporting provisions of the policies shall not affect coverage provided to the City, its officers, officials, employees, or volunteers. d. The Consultant's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability. Worker's Compensation and Employer's Liability Coverage: The insurer shall agree to waive all rights of subrogation against the City, its officers, offidals, employees, and volunteers for losses arising from work performed by the Consultant for the City. o All Coverages: Each insurance policy required by this clause shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be suspended, voided, canceled by either party, reduced in coverage or in limits except after thirty (30) days prior written notice by certified mail, return receipt requested, has been given to the City. E. Acceptability of Insurers Without limiting Consultant's indemnification provided hereunder, Consultant shall take out and maintain at all times during the life of this contract, up to the date of acceptance of the work by the City, the policies of insurance listed in Article 9.1.A of this Agreement with insurers with the highest Best rating currently available or as otherwise aooroved bv the City (Consultant's Professional liability/ Errors an'c~ Omissions ir~-~urance is with Design Professionals× ~.sur~eCrl~lC~%~~ea Best rating of A-ix).~.~.'~ ~ Contractor shall furnish the City with certificates of insurance and with ori~nal endorsements affecting coverage required by this clause. The certificates and endorsements for each insurance policy are to be signed by a person authorized by that insurer to bind coverage on its behalf. The certificates and endorsements are to be on forms provided by the City. Where by statue, the City Worker's Compensation related forms cannot be used, equivalent form~ approved by the Insurance Commi.~sioner are to be substituted. All certificates and endorsements are to be received and approved by the City before work commences. The City reserves the right to require complete, certified copies of all required insurance policies, at any time. G. Subcontractors Consultant shall include all subcontractors as insured under its policies or shall furnish separate certificates and endorsements by each subcontractor. All coverage shall be subject to all of the requirements stated herein. MISCELLANEOUS 10.1 This Agreement shall be binding on the heirs, executors, assigns and successors of Consultant. 10.2 Consultant may not assign this Agreement, or any portion hereof, without the pdof written consent of City. 10.3 This Agreement shall not be construed to alter, affect, or waive any lien or stop notice rights which Consultant may have for the performance of services pursuant to this Agreement. 10.4 City's waiver of any term, condition or covenant, or breach of any term, condition or covenant shall not be construed as the waiver of any other term, condition or covenant or waiver of the breach of any other term, condition or covenant. -7- 10.5 This Agreement contains the entire Agreement between City and Consultant relating to the project and the provision of services to the project. Any prior agreements, promises, negotiations, or representations not expressly set forth in this Agreement are of no force or effect. Subsequent modifications to this Agreement shall be in writing and signed by both City and Consultant. 10.6 If any term, condition or covenant of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, void, or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall be valid and binding on City and Consultant. 10.7 This Agreement shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California. 10.8 This Agreement may be executed in counterparts and will be binding as to executed. 10.9 All changes or amendments to this Agreement must be in writing and approved by all parties. 10.10 The term of this Agreement shall commence upon execution of the Agreement and terminate one year thereafter, or upon project completion, whichever occurs first. Any extension of the Agreement shall require the written approval by the City and the Consultant. 11. NOTICES Notices required under this Agreement may be delivered by first class mail addressed to the appropriate party at one of the following addresses: City of Campbell Attention: City Engineer 70 North First Street Campbell, CA 95008 CONSULTANT: BSI Consultants, Inc. 2420 Camino Ramon, Suite 202 San Ramon, CA 94583 Having read and understood the foregoing Agreement, the undersigned parties hereby agree to be bound hereby: CONSULTANT BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. Scott R. Faz~'S Title Senior Vice President CITY OF CAMPBEI.I~ Title Public Works Director Attachment 1 - Schedule of Fees _h:bsi.agr(mp)6.0 -9- ATTACHMENT 1 BSI CONSULTANTS, INC. SCHEDULE OF HOURLY RATES PROFESSIONAL PERSONNEL: CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Expert Testimony 185.00 Senior Principal Consultant 185.00 Principal Consultant 146.00 Principal Engineer 135.00 Senior Associate 113.00 Associate 103.00 Senior Engineer 103.00 Engineer III 92.00 Engineer II 81.00 Engineer I 70.00 Senior Specialist 103.00 Specialist III 92.00 Specialist II 81.00 Specialist I 70.00 Planner II 81.00 Planner I 70.00 Senior Designer 87.00 Designer 70.00 Senior Draftsperson 60.00 Draftsperson 48.00 Engineering Assistant 60.00 Plan Checker IV 92.00 Plan Checker III 81.00 Plan Checker II 76.00 -Plan Checker I 70.00 Technician VI 76.00 Technician V 65.00 Technician IV 55.00 Technician III 46.00 Technician II 39.00 CLASSIFICATION Technician I Principal Landscape Architect Senior Landscape Architect Landscape Architect Associate Landscape Architect Assistant Landscape Architect Licensed Land Surveyor Supervising Land Surveyor 2-Person Survey Crew 3-Person Survey Crew Senior Survey Analyst Survey Analyst Senior Right-of-Way Agent Right-of-Way Agent Assistant Right-of-Way Agent Senior Inspector Inspector Senior Contract Administrator Contract Administrator Nuclear Gauge & Operator Building Official Senior Programmer Programmer Cadd Designer Cadd Operator II Cadd Operator I Word Processor III Word Processor II Word Processor I Clerical HOURLY RATE 35.00 135.00 103.00 98.00 92.00 70.00 87.00 % 81.00 163.00 198.00 81.00 70.00 92.00 70.00 55.00 70.00 71.00 61.00 48.00 94.00 76.00 81.00 70.00 48.00 39.00 33.00 EQUIPIVIENT: HOURLY TYPE RATE · Dynaflect 125.00 Inroads CADD Design 24.00 Microstation CADD Drafting 12.00 Plotter 11.00 Out-of-pocket expenses Colueprinting, reproduction, and printing) will be invoiced at cost plus 15%. A 15% fee for administration, coordination and handling will be added to subcontracted services. Mileage will be invoiced at $0.36/mile. Scheduled overtime will be performed at 125% of BSI's standard rates. This Schedule of Hourly Rates is effective as of April 1, 1992. Rates may be adjusted after that date to compensate for labor cost increases and other increases due to inflationary trends. BSI MI 16 5/3/92 Il/Ix '"' ~ ........ '~ ..... ' 'g~ :~ \ d,,mll ~,, ~ x.. ..~-~ ~-~ .~--- =~ .... ~','~ ~ ~--- ~ ~'7. i~ ~ II ",. ~ -~ ~ ~~~: " ' ' ~'- ~,~ ' ~-'~ ~ .... / , ~ ~ ,- '~1 ~: , ~-' ~ ~ ~ , I ~ ~ .... ~ ..... ,'~,~ ~ :~j -~.:' ~ , ~ ~ / .... _ .~,, ~ ,~., ~, ~:,, '~.~ r .. ~ ~ ~ ~ .,, ~' ....... , .- _ ~. 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