780 Almarida (1995) .~.O~ · c.,t,~ CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department July 18, 1996 Maria Louise MacLachlan 3031 Tisch Way,//800 "Business Team" San Jose, CA 95128 Subject: 780 Almarida Drive Dear Mrs. MacLachlan: Due to the discovery made by your engineer, Nancy Lockard, regarding the above subject property, the City of Campbell apparently does not own the property and, therefore, you will have to contact the o~ners described in the recorded grant deed. Sincerely, / ~, . ,~ ' i. Land De. velopment Engineer cc: City Engineer cc: File 780 Almarida h:\maclachlan.ltr(mp) 70 North First Street - Campbell, California 95008.1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 · [^X 408.379.2572 · TDD 408.866.2790 NEW PW FAX ~ C1VIL ENGINEERS/ SURVEYORS/PLAN,~NERS 2775 PARK A~,nv~NUf:, SANTA CLARA CALIFO P~NLA, 95050 408.243.4066 FAX: 408.243.4764 June 11,1996 Job No. 96-222 Harold Hausley, Land Development Engineer City of Campbell 70 N. 1st Street Campbell, CA 95008 IIkI[ffNOWACK] ] C () %' S L 1~ I \ N I R E C E IVE JUN 181996 Subject: Relinquishment of City Propert~:--~ ........ ~ Dear Mr. Hausley: Our clients, i'~ve requested we prepare a Plat and Legal Descripti ty property" located east of their property. Our research uncovered the enclosed document No. 2752525 (Book 6762 of Official Records at page 389, Santa Clara County Records), which appears to show that the City granted the subject parcel to Lloyd and Catherine Van Nest in 1964. Please review the enclosed documents and advise us if the City believes it currently holds title to the subject site. Thank you for your thoughtful attention to this matter. Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, TS/NOWACK CONSULTANTS, INC. Nancy Lockard, L.S. Director of Surveys cc: lan & Marie Louise MacLaughlan NML:pru (1996EZ MacLaughlan - Hausley Itr) to a re=o!uticn ~dopted by the City Councti~ a municip&l co~p~rat~on, for a good and "valuable consideration grants to Lloyd L. Van Nest and Cat':erine O. '.'an ~est, as Joint tenants, all that r~al property situate tn City ot ~p~ll, County o~ ~n~ Cica, ~:e ~ttlculatly descried a~ follows: 8EGLNNZNG at the sou~east corner o£ Lot 21 as said Lot shown upon the ~p of Tract F~. 77l, said ~p recorded on · uly 24, 19~ In Book 30 of ~p8, Page 1, O~llclal Re~dl, ~, N. ~e 3C' 00' W., 80.81 ~eet along the ~E, ~. 89' 24' 45' E., 13~89 fleet aloe,9 the prolongation o[ ~e n~ly Atne o[ said lo~I ~E, alon9 a curve, ~ncave nor~eaa~erXy, ~ central angle 2e 20' 14', having a radius of 2000.00 ~eet, .an ~c len~ O~ 81.58 ~ee~, to a po~t on ~e prolongation o~ prolongat~t 'line to the post oI ~ginning ~nd c~ln~g .0~6 a~em ol 1~. ~re or less. and ~ing a ~t oI ~ction LN ,.NITNESS I~IEREOF said City of Campbell. a Nunicipal Cox~oration,;.~s plac/~P-i~ hand and seal thisl0t~y of 4~--~-~--74~ ~t__[__ C~{. l FORN ! R T ! TLE ~75 OCT St~. "D" 377-39~ DI,~¢TO~'8 ~at the STA~ OF CALIFO~N~A, aotl~ bY and thI'ot~Eh S~ate of ~al~for~a, described as follows, to-wit: ~he City of C~pbell a~d all in the County vf Senta C~, State of ~llfornla ~d bei~ a ~ortion of those ce~aln t~cts of la~ cenveyed to the S~ate of Califor~ia by deeds ~co~ed Febr~ 28, 19~ and ~y 15. ~9~ in vol=:es 3~aa and described =S fOIlows~ $O~IN~ at a point ~n ~he we~teri~ 11ne of ~ro~ the 8outhwcste~l~ COrne~ o? .~a"~-~-~-v~ ~., bl!); thenc~ ac~ss t~e tw~-~n~ ~tY-°~-s--c~c~ (3~9~ OR [.i~.00 ~eet, .t~u~h ~ a~l~ of 7~009,~y', an arc leith or ~b.q~ feet; (~) N. 7'lS'~T" E., ~43.~1 feet; (~) alo~ a ta~en: cu~e =o the left wt=~ a r~dl~ of ~.00 fee~, th~u~ an a~le ~6e10'o~", an arc leah of 11a.10 fee:; (~) N. 18'5T'07" W., ~.?~ f~et_~.(6~ alo~ a ta~e~t curve t~ the ~&Eht W/~h ~adius or ~9~.gU reef, th=o~h an ~le o~ I2'56'0~", an amc (3~R~ OR 318}; thence alo~ Said northerl~ ..... -s oe..u we,~er~ !!ne~ ~f Sta~e's tracts (3~ OR 3IO and C.. rtq~I ?35 qa~ 40t~--559--?d08 ALL CALIFORNIA TITLE 9?5 P04 OCT 02'95 iS:O? c o~n¢ emen~. ~(CEF~ING AND RESERVING unto the S~ate of Callfo~ia a and across a ~:~!p of land o£ untfoz~ ~!d~h o~ lO.co feet, lyin$ w.este~ly o£ an~ ¢ontIEuou~ to the ~ourae ~nd curve said easemen= con~i~i~ an a~ea o~ O.12T o~ an a~, ~ore A~O EXCEPTING AND RESERVING unto ~e S~ate of Califon~la any a~d all ~l~h~s of In~ress %0 or egress f~om the land her~r, I~ i~ ~he pu~s~ o~ ~he foreaoSn~ exception and ~oe~n~$on to provide ~hat no easemen~ of access shall attach or be appurtenant =~ tae pro~erty hereby conveyed, by reason of tbs fact that the same abut~ up~ a public way an~ upon a State ~ighway, wit~ access only to the Sta~e highway bei~ restrlc~ed. are on the Califo~ia Coo~i~te ~yst~, Zone 3. ~ltiply the above ~ts%ances by 1.~0Q38 to obtain g~und level ~iat~ces. and easemenSe of reco~d. FI~$T, the Dieector of 2ublic Works has heretofore ~cund and determined and does hereby f~nd and determine, tha~ the said lands, were acquired for State biEhway purpo~e~ and a~e no lon~e~ necessary, and a~ ~ot z~O~ be~n$ used fo= bl$~w~ uses o~ ~ose8. SECOND, t~t thl~ conveyance is executed pursuant to th9 authority vested in the Director of ~ubllc WorKs b!? law and, in particular, by the St=eats and ~tghways COde. WITN=-SS the hand of th. Director of P~tbllc Works, and the =cal oI' ~he Dopart~en~ of ~bl~c wor~ of the State of ~ll,?ornia, .....,': .... , . 4~~ "/d~G~ Pi_L l I Fillet41A T ! TLE ~ P~)~ OCT -~TA~E 01~ CAL]~FORN~ 40~--~--740~ ~--L ¢~LI~O~NZ~ TITLE ~?~ PO~ ~T KE~OL'/E~D by ~he CaliFOrnia ~Ehway Co~sa~on. havl~ approved ~he ~e~ te~3 ~d co~dt=~o~s of the $1ty Of C~Pbell, ~e=eby a~ho~'lze= an= ~PP~Ves t~e execution Dy ~o D~rec~r of ~blXc Worgs on behalf of the SCats CalIfo~:ia of a deed conveyiz~ ~o :he C~:F of C~pbell real mrope-~y in :~e CAt~ of C~pbell, cowry ~f San~a Clara, $~a~e Of CaiifornAa, described aa Ail tha~ meal P~perty situate, ly!~ and bei~ Zn the City of C~aPbe!l an~ all ~n the Coua~y of 3an~a Clara, S~ate of California a~ bei~ a po~ of those both Offlc~al Records of the County o~ Sa~a ClaR~, said port,tn belm~ more particularly ~escrlbed as 30~CIN0 a~ a poln~ on ~he westerly line Of S~a~e~a ~t (3~9~ OR 611), ~is=ant ~hereon ~{.O~33,Oa, E., %fac= (349~ ~ 6ii); $hence across %he ~wo aai~ (I) N. ~5~22,h0'' E., 172.9~. fee~; (~) alo~ a ~1 · , 3 curve ~o ~he ~e~ ~l~h a radius of ~,n nn .~ _ ~ ~ w., ~DO,[~ ~ ~ ~ -- ..... .1~ :'ee~ ~o the wem~e~17 line of said , . 3~2~ Off 318 ; thence ~C~e a ~c~ ~o~encemen~. . 1 .... ~ Amec ~o ~e ~2n~ o~ COCA,lING 7.2~1 ac~s, more or less. ovum and at,ss a s~D o~ la~d of unlfo~ width of feet, lyi~ wester~ of and conti~ou8 to ~he coumse and ¢u~e descI~bed a~d desl~ed above as (3) a~d respec~ivelF, said eas~ent con~a!nl~ an area or 0.127 or an acre, more or less. OCT Z~ is ~he p~ae o~ the ~o~e~i~ exception ~e~zati~n ~m provide t~t no eas~ent oC acce3s or be aPPU~e~at to ~he property he~b~ conveyed, by ~aso2 hi~h~, wXt~ access only to ~he 3tare ~i~h~-ay be~r~ re~tric~ed. ~ bearl~e a~d distances u~ed In the above are on the ~li~o~la Coo~e ~stem, Zone 3. ~tI~[y the above distances bF 1.~0438 to obbai~ ~ level u.{x)n ftt2J. Performance by PU~-Ch~ser of a~2 te~s and cendit~one the a~ee~.t a~d U~R ~'u~ P~ment of Principal and !n~e~st aa :hero~n P~v~ded., ~ CaliFornia. p'-'~uan~ to Re:t~u:icn city . Counc l Report BUSINESS TEl Item No: Calory: Corm PAGE 82 Relinqulslunent of City Property si 7~0 Almrids Drive RECO~ATION dopt the attached Resolution autho~ the Public Works Dh~tor to e. xecut~ a Quit Claim to convcy th~ City of csm,o~,,s imerests in ' ...... '- "- ......... DISCUSSION cord~ .~o ~ Ciera COtll~ty records, the City of Cazx~b~l! owlls APN 279-22-016 as wn on tae auached Exhibit 'A'. This parcel is located between APN 279-22-015, (780 Almarida Drive), and the Highway 17 ri-g~t.~f-way. The parcel is a remnant portion of land r~u..lting fi'om Highway 17 cO--on and is cun~ntly an undeveloped, "land locked' pat~l with no direct public access. Mi'. lan D. Macl-~han, who is th~ record owner of APN 279-22-015, C/80 Almarida Drive), requested to acquire the City's parcel and merge it with his property. Thr~ adjace~ simils: remnant parcels, APNs 279-224312, 013, and 017, have been acquired by the adjacent private property owners in the past. Thc applicant shall pay a fee of $550.00 to the City for this conveyance to -,-ver adminislrafion the ,,__c~_, ~a~d___r~,__.estimated ~ value. The applicant ~ also pay ~11 costs for preparation of ,=~,a~ ~c~-qmon, recomm/of d~, aad incidental expenses. .~1/0~/1995 i2:0~ 5i0-6~' 9994 BUSINESS TE~ PAGE 03 ALTERNATIVE Do.not convey the propen, v camlot be developed, ~xl cannot be used by tl~ City. Reviewedby: , / t~ ~. t (.~ · ~ ,, Cit7 ~r . R~viewed by:, . Public Works Director "'--- Approved by: City Mams~r Exhibit "A: l~sol~n h:almartd~.ccr(mw)6.0 .4 NAYd~ RESOLUTION NO. 8884 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AUTHORIZING THE PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR TO EXECUTE A QUIT CLAIM DEED FOR A REMAINDER PARCEL ADJACENT TO 780 ALMARIDA DRIVE WHEREAS, the City owns property described as Assessors Parcel Number 279-22-016, as shown on Exhibit "A", according to Santa Clara County records; and WHEREAS, the property is an unusable remainder parcel adjacent to State Highway 17; and WHEREAS, Ian D. MacLacklan, owner of 780 Almarida Drive, Assessors Parcel Number 279-22-015, requested to acquire the City's property, and merge these two parcels; and WHEREAS, the property owner has agreed to pay City costs related to acquisition of the property of $550.00, which includes land value. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council hereby authorizes the Public Works Director to execute a Quit Claim Deed to relinquish the City's interest in the property described as Assessors Parcel Number 279-22-016 to the owner of 780 Almarida Drive, Assessors Parcel Number 279-22-015. call vote: PASSED AND ADOPTED this 3rd day of October, 1995, by the following roll AYES: NOES: ABSENT: Councilmembers: Councilmembers: Councilmembers: Watson, None Conant Dougherty, Burr APPROVED: Donald R. Burr, Mayor 0 EXHIBIT "A" ~ ~ o ~AYd CITY OF CAMPBELL Public Works Department September 5, 1995 Ian MacLachlan 3031 Tisch Way//800 "Business Team" San Jose, CA 95128 Re: Assessor's Parcel No. 279-22-16 East of 780 Almarida Dear Mr. MacLachlan: I have received your letter dated August 28, 1995 concerning your desire to acquire the above referenced property. Mr. Housley of my staff has been directed to proceed and make the necessary arrangements to have the property transferred, including agendizing this matter for City Council approval. Please give him a call at 866-2158 regarding City expenses, charges and related matters. Thank you for your patience. Public Works Director CC: Harold Housley, Land Developmem Engineer Robert Harary, City Engineer h:maclachlan.ltr(mp) · ' 57;2 · 70 North First Street · Campbell, California 95008. 1423 · TEL 408.866.2150 l~081~91~2ASx # TDD 408.866.2790 408-376-0958 Cornish & Carey 1000 E1 Camino Real Menlo Park, CA 94025 415/324-4456 FAX 415/323-7128 August 1,1995 Dear Mr. Maclachlan, As per your request I have done the research necessary to evaluate the land parcel no. 279-22-016, adjoining your property on the freeway side. The other adjoining properties with the same situations of city land extensions have been donated.by the city; no 279-22-017 no 279-22-013 no 279-22-012 The search for any transfer fees through title has not been established. It seems that a minimum amount like paying the appropriate fees should be a fair way to transfer title and property taxes to your existing property. i?/~LSincerely' Maaike Neves Cornish & Carey · Residential Real Estate CLARA CCUNTy., CA: IFORN ' I"=100" III _ · ' tIT'( OF -' CAMP81 FBB-O2-B~ 02:~? TEL~ P:B2 GRANT DEED , (ZND UA ) CO~q~NC~RG a~ ~he Southeasterly corner or ~e Parcel or 2an~ in. Book 118~ a~ p&$e ~6, 0flOc&al accords of &ants Clara Coun~yj on ;~e northerly zinc o£ aam~i~on Avelue; ~hence aion~ Sal~ herEto.Fly line S. 89'30'50" El, 197.99 feet to tae property llne eo,~o~ to the 1089.09 fee~; :nenoe N. ~2'57'36" W.. 1~.57 fee: =o a Point distant N. 68'~7'~5" X., 97.a9 f~et fFom En$1n,e~'s Station 385-72.51. on the freeway in ~an:a Clara Co~:y, between ~s 5aDoa and 3an $o8e, Road ~-SC1-5-D, Cm~: thanes alon~ a tangent curve to ~he ~ht described In the Oeed Co said ~rc~ I. Cascerson by dee~ recorded ~ugust 1~, 19~3 &n ~ok 11~8 at pa~e 38, Official Re~o~ds of Cl~r~ Coun~; ~hcnce =lon~ 1=at ~id noruhcrly linc, ~k: ilne and =ne sout~e~-ly prolongs:Ion thereof N. o~'gS')~" W., f~,t and S. 0'33'0h" W., 1182.32 feet t~ the p~Ope~t~ lln~ eo~on ~o ~he l~nds~ now or formerly, of ~ha M. ca~:er~on and of S. ,S9'30.50~ ~., 265.0~ feet and S. 0'33'0a" W., q62.~2 reef to CO~AININO 10.739 acres, ~ore or less, - J /~ ~s conveyance ~a ~e for une purposes or ~ freeway ano / ~emaln/~5.. prOper.Cy, In *nd to ~&ld ~;he ~aXlfo~l& ~oo~l~a~e System, 2ome ~. ~ Ij .... · ' ' ~' i , ...~;. O, akk ............. ,/~, e/. /,,,'fe,,f FEB-O2-g~ 02:~? T~L~ P:81 To: From: Date: MEMORANDUM Harold Housely Bill Seligmann, City Attorney March 24, 1995 RECEIVED ADMINISTRATioi~ Re: Disposition of Surplus Real Property Baakqround The City of Campbell intends to sell surplus real property. Issue What are the prerequisites for sale of surplus real property? Discussion Sales of surplus real property that are not improved with residences are governed by Title 8, Article 8 of the California Government Code. Under these sections, prior to sale of real property, a city must send a written offer to sell or lease the property to any of the following entities for the specified purposes: "(a) A written offer to sell or lease for the purposes of developing low-and moderate-income housing shall be sent to any local agencies including, but not limited to, housing authorities or redevelopment agencies within whose jurisdiction the surplus land is located. (b) A written offer to sell or lease for park and recreational purposes or open space purposes shall be sent: (1) To any park or recreation department of any city within which the land may be situated. (2) To any park or recreation department of the county within which the land is situated. (3) To any regional park authority having jurisdiction within the area in which the land is situated. (4) To the State Resources Agency or any agency which may succeed to its powers (Gov't Code Sec. 54222)." If none of the entities provides written notice of its interest in the property within sixty (60) days after receipt of the City's notice, then the City is free to sell the property to the party of its choosing. (Id). Conclusion Prior to sale of real property the City must offer the property to certain specified entities for use for low-income housing or recreational purposes. (408) 866-2100-- )1 FAX # (408) 379-2572 ~._31Q~_~-~~ ~ Public Works Department~%x c~_. CAMPBELL, CALIFORNIA 95008 ~;__~;;.~,,-, . -' ¢*~' ~*J ece~e~ ~ ~992 Mr. Nick Psiol J~:~. Department of Transport~ P.O. Box 23440 Oakland CA 94623-0440 Re: Relinquishments Route 17 Freeway Dear Mr. Psiol: ¢ On several occasions we have been asked to deed Parcel 16, as shown on the attached Assessor,s map of Book 279 Page 22, to the owner of Parcel 15, Mr. Ian Maclachlan. We have repeatedly advised Mr. Maclachlan that the Assessor's map is in error, the City does not own this parcel, and he should address his request..j~o the Department of Transportation. The purpose of this letter is to request your-~assistance in ~s.~ablishin~ the ownership of this remn-an%:~ar~e~~ s0'~J%at it can be transferred to Mr. Maclachlan. iIz our records are ~hcomp±e~e anQ it was in fact deeded to the City we would appreciate whatever documentation you can provide to that effect. Attached are copies of the documents in our files that lead us to the opinion that the City does not own the parcel. State drawing No. M-634.00, Relinquishment to the City of Campbell No. 22116, shows two parcels that were relinquished to the City but does not indicate that any of the remnant parcels along the rear of the lots on Almarida Drive were relinquished to the City. The Campbell City limits line shown on this drawing, dated 7-59, indicates this area was not then within the Campbell City limits. It was not annexed to the City until the following month, August 1959, as shown on the attached Annexation No, 59-8. It seems unlikely that any of these parcels would have been relinquished to the City since none of them were within the City limits at the time. Even if the parcels were within the City, it seems unlikely that they would have been relinquished to the City. Our experience has CITY OF been that only streets, portions of streets, or parcels that may become a portion of a street are relinquished to the City. Other! /parcels, which will not become streets, such as these remnants, are off . . four / ered, at an attractive price, to the adjacent property owners. If the owners decline the offer then the ~ Transportation Department retains ownership of the parcels. Attached is a copy of one page of the Assessor's roll that shows that title to the other remnants, parcels 12, 13, and 17 are each held by the owners of the adjacent lots, parcels 11, 14, and 18, respectively. The City has no record of ever having taken title to ~._P~l~3r deeded them to the adjacent owners. It seems more ~x~ cna~ ~ney were purchased directly from the TransportatiOn uepar=ment. If the owner of parcel 15 declined to purchase parcel 16 it seems likely that the State retained ownership rather than relinquishing it to the City since there is no apparent public use for which the City could have used this one remnant. Whatever disposition of the property was made.at the time, it occurred over 33 years ago and there is no one in our office now who was here when it happened. We are utterly dependent on the written recor~but with any file so old there is some concern that our files may not be complete. Any information that you can supply to help clarify the situation will be appreciated. Sincerely, James Penoyer Engineering Technician cc: Mr. Ian Maclachlan 780 Almarida Drive Campbell, CA 95008 MAIN OFFICE 2255. So. Bascom Avenue Campbell, Calfornia 95008 (408) 559-3424 All California Title Company WILLOW GLEN OFFICE 1213 Lincoln Avenue San Jose, California 95125 (408) 279-5099 TITLE DIVISION Customer Service Deparment 2160 So. Bascom Avenue Campbell, California 95008 (408) 559-1275 PREPARED SPECIALLY FOR ANDY OLDHAM ALL CALIFORNIA TITLE COMPANY The Company that cares to provide only the best s n,aTitle Clara Land Company [] 701 MILLER STREET AT TAYLOR, SAN J CA 95110 ............... (408) 288-7800 [] 320 SARATOGA AVENUE, LOS GATOS, .*5030 ................... (408) 395-7077 [] 4020 MOORPARK AVENUE, SUITE 116, SAN JOSE, CA 95117 (408) 985-8120 ,~700 SOUTH BERNARDO AVENUE, SUNNYVALE. CA 94087 ..... (408) 733-5591 1475 SO. BASCOM AVENUE, SUITE 104, CAMPBELL, CA 95008 ...... (408) 371-0104 [] 419 SO. SAN ANTONIO ROAD, SUITE 106, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 ~ (415) 949-0870 [] 2600 EL CAMINO REAL, SUITE 100, PALO ALTO, CA 94306 (415) 858-1281 [] 20375 STEVENS CREEK BOULEVARD, CUPERTINO, CA 95014 (408) 252-0600 [] 1231 SOUTH PARK VICTORIA ORIVE, MILPITAS. CA 95035 (408) 263-2555 [] 50 W SAN FERNANOO ST., SUITE 420, SAN JOSE. CA 95113 (408) 286-7800 PHENIX FUNDING Attn: BARBARA 1550 S. BASCOM AVENUE CAMPBELL, CA 95508 Property Address: 780 A[marida Drive Campbell, CA CLTA PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT (Form Rev. 11-18-82) Subject to a minimum charge required by IMPORTANT Section 12404 of the Insurance Code. WHEN REPLYING REFER TO OFFICE NOTED ~[V~-A. CB U~DATE OUR NO. YOUR NO. ESCROW OFFICER: TITLE OFFICER' TERRI BLANC JACKIE SUMMERVILLE/b[ FORM OF POLICY COVERAGE REQUESTED: [] CLTA STANDARD [] ALTA RESIDENTIAL~t~ALTA LENDER'S [] ALTA OWNER'S FORM B In response to the above referenced application for a policy of title insurance, this Company hereby reports that it is prepay:ed to issue, or cause to be issued, as of the date hereof, a Policy or Policies of Title Insurance describing the land and the estate or interest therein hereinafter set forth, insuring against loss which may be sustained by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred to as an Exception below or not included from coverage pursuant to the printed Schedules, Conditions and Stipulations of said Policy forms. The printed Exceptions and Exclusions from the coverage of said Policy or Policies are set forth in Exhibit A attached. Copies of the Policy forms should be read. They are available from the office which issued this report. This report (and any supplements or amendments hereto) is issued solely for the purpose of facilitating the issuance of a policy of title insurance and no liability is assumed hereby, if it is desired that liability beassumed prior to the issuance of a policy of title insurance, a Binder or Commitment should be requested. ~ / /.~ l H'//'/,-~J" ~'~e Officer _ . February 6, 91 ~ ~/', ~_ uate(] as of ........ 19 , at 7:30 a.m~.~ C~- '~ , ~[., ?,6 / ' ~/";" The form of policy of title insurance contemplated by this report is: V ALTA Lenders The estate or interest in the land hereinafter described or referred to covered by this Report is: A Fee Title to said estate or interest at the date hereof is vested in: IAN D. MACLACHLAN, a married man, as his separate property The land referred to in this Report is situated in the State of California, County of Santa Clara and is described as follows: (See "Legal Description" Schedule C attached) At the date hereof exceptions to coverage in addition to the printed Exceptions and Exclusions in said policy form would be as follows: j ...... See following page for exceptions. (C~I~TIFIC~T~ OF ACxT.7..FT~NC~ GOVERNMENT COD~. S1~C.. 27281) Tins Iz To C~z~Y, Tl~,t tbe St,re o! C. di[omi~, $r~tee t~rei., ,cling I~ ~ tl~ros~h the Det~rlme~l o[ Pai~lic ~ror]u, Division o[ Hi$~d~s, ~l~ ~pls [or ~ic ~r~os~ t~ rtwl ~ro~rty, ~r i~tt~est ~l~r~, co~e~ed by D!stI'ict E~ ~" ren~inin~, pr0Per.~y, in and %o said freeway. ..... -T~e--~'e~'l~-'~and dls=ances .used in the above on the Callfornia..Coo~dtnate System, Zone 3. descr~.pl;~.on &z'e ~,1o.',' ,.',. i DEED (rNDrVmUAL) .~.~=RTF. A M. CAST_ERS01:, as ~ seoara~e pro.~erty! par%'l'~ within and--~%-~-'l~"%l%"fi'6ut GRANT m tJ~ STATE Or C..AL~ORNIA ~ d~, ,=1 ~ d~.__C_!_~._g!._~.~m~.~.9_.l.% ..... ~ San~a Clara , $~ ~ ~1~, ~fi~ ~: CO~NCLNG at the southeasterly corner of the parcel of land conveyed to Joseph 0ti, et ~, by deed recorded January lq, 19~a in. Book 118~ at pa~e 66, Official Records of Santa Clara Co~y; beln~ on ~he northerly line of ~mli=on Avenue; thence alon~ said northerly line S. 89'30'50" E~, 197.99 fee= ~o =ne proper~y line !ands,.now or formerly, of ~rtha M. Casterson and of M. G. Erns~ e= al; thence along said co~on ~roper=y line N. 0'33'04" 1089.05 feet; thence N. 22'57'36" W., 12.57 feet ~o a point distant N. 68'27'~5" E., 9T.a9 feet from ~gineer's S~atlon 385+7~.51-on ~he "D" line of the ~par~ment of Public Works' s~vey for freeway In San$a Clara Co~$y, between Los GaUds and San Jose, Road ~-SCl-5-D,Cmb; thence alon~ a Sangen= c~ve ~o the rlgh~ with a radius of ~300.00 feet, ~ou~h an an~le of 1~'11'17", an arc length of 569.55 fee= =o the northerly line of the parcel of land described In ~he deed =o said ~r=ha M. Cas=erson by deed recorded August 1R, 19~3 In Book 1158 at pa~e 38~ Official Records of San~a Clara County; thence along lass said northerly line, thc westerly line an~ the southe~-ly prolon~ation thereof N. 09'08'53" W., 197.aa fee~ and S. 0'33'0~" W., 118a.32 fee~ ~o the proper~y line co,on to the lands, now or formerly, of ~rtha M. CasSerson and of Joseph O~t, et ~; thence alone said co~on property llne S..89'30'50" E., 165.02 feet and S. 0'33'0a" W., ~62.6~ feet to =he point of co~encemen=. CO~AINING 10.T39 acres, more or less. - n~ls conveyance Is ~de for the p~poses of a freeway and ~he ~or hereby re%eases and relinquishes =o ~he ~rantee any and all abutter's rights, including access rights, app~tenan$ ~o ~rantor's CB 56318-A Page 2 1. Taxes for the fiscal year 1990-91, as follows 1st Installment $916.07 'PAID 2nd InstaLlment $916.O7' OPEN Assessor's Parcel No. 279-22-015 Code Area Land $71,764.00 IMP $88,324.00 PP $-0- 10-057 Exemp $7,000.00 "The lien of supplemental taxes, if any, assessed pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 3.5, (commencing with Section 75) to the Revenue and Taxation Code of the State of California". An easement affecting the portion of said land and for the purpose stated herein and incidental purposes, shown or dedicated by the map herein referred to: (A) For : PUBLIC UTILITY EASEMENT Affects : Easterly 10 feet (B) For : BUILDING SETBACK LINE Affects : Westerly 20 feet Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions in a Declaration of Restrictions, which provide that a violation thereof shall not defeat or render invalid the lien of any mortgage or deed of trust made in good faith and for value. Said covenants, conditions and restrictions do not provide for reversion of title in the event of a breach thereof. Restrictions, if any, based upon race, color or creed are deleted. Recorded : July 26, 1950, in Book 2021, Page 564 of Official Records Reference to the records is hereby made for further particulars. A deed of trust to secure an indebtedness in the amount stated herein and any other amounts provided therein, Dated Amount Trustor Trustee Beneficiary Recorded Address Loan No. : August 8, 1986 : $133,250.00 :IAN D. MACLACHLAN AND DAWN C. MACLACHLAN, husband and wife : MOUNTAIN SOUTH CORPORATION, a Mississippi corporation : GREAT AMERICAN FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION : August 29, 1986, in Book J 825, Page 146 of Official Records : 306 Cass Street, Corinth, Mississippi 38834 : 905267-02 Address and Recorded The beneficial interest of record under said deed of trust was assigned To : FIREMAN'S FUND MORTGAGE CORPORATION By assignment dated: March 27, 1987 Recorded : April 21, 1987, in Book K 117, Page 1691 of Official Records : 27555 Farmington Road Farmington Hills, MI 48018 : Ju~y 28, 1989, in Book C 036, Page 1868 of Official Records and by other assignments of record. ® A deed of trust to ~ _ure an indebtedness in the amc an~ any other amounts provided therein, Dated : April 8, 1988 Amount : $50,000.00 Page 3 stated herein Trustor Trustee Beneficiary Recorded Address Loan No. :Ian D. MacLachlan and Daw6 C. MacLachlan, husband and wife : CaLifornia First Bank, ~ California banking corporation : California First Bank : April 13, 1988 in Book K 500, Page 382, Official Records : P.O. BOX 839, Santa Ana, CA : NONE SHOWN A deed of trust to secure an £ndebtedness in the amount stated herein and any other amounts provided therein, Dated Amount Trustor Trustee Beneficiary Recorded Address Loan No. December 18, 1990 $35,000.00 Ian D. MacLachlan, a married man, as his separate property California Land Title Company, a California corporation Carol Smith, an unmarried woman December 27, 1990 in Book L 576, Page 2043, Official Records P.O. BOX 1085, Campbell, CA 95009 NONE SHOWN A portion of the beneficial interest of Carol Smith under said deed of trust was assigned To : Richard Warfe[, an unmarried man, an undivided $10,000.00; Daniel Smith, an unmarried man, an undivided $10,000.00 interest By assignment dated: December 18, 1990 Recorded : December 27, 1'990 in Book L 576, Page 2044, Official Records Address : C/O P. O. BOX 1085, Campbell, CA 95009 NOTE: "On or after July l, 1985, the County Recorder's office wilt charge, in addition to the regular recording charges, an extra $20.00 recording fee, un[ess a document evidencing a change of ownership is accompanied by a Preliminary Change of Ownership Report. In lieu of said report, signed by the transferee, the Recorder wit[ accept an affidavit that the transferee is not a resident of California. Title billing will be adjusted to reflect such additional fees when applicable." NOTE: THIS REPORT DOES NOT REFLECT REQUESTS FOR NOTICE OF DEFAULT, SUBSEQUENT TRANSFERS OF EASEMENTS, AND SIMILAR MATTERS NOT GERMANE TO THE ISSUANCE OF THE POLICY OF TITLE INSURANCE ANTICIPATED HEREINUNDER. NOTE: IF THIS COMPANY IS REQUESTED TO DISBURSE FUNDS IN CONNECTION WITH THIS TRANSACTION, CHAPTER 598 OF 1989 MANDATES OF THE CALIFORNIA INSURANCE CODE REQUIRES HOLD PERIODS FOR CHECKS DEPOSITED TO ESCROW OR SUB-ESCROW ACCOUNTS. SUCH PERIODS VARY DEPENDING UPON THE TYPE OF CHECK AND ANTICIPATED METHODS OF DEPOSIT SHOULD BE DISCUSSED WITH THE ESCROW OFFICER. NOTE: According to the public records, no Deeds conveying the property described in this report have been recorded within a period of to (2) years prior to the date of this report, except as show~n.herein: QUITCLIAM DEED Executed by: DAWN C. MACLACHLAN, wife of the Grantee herein To : IAN D. MACLACHLAN~ a married man, as his separate property Recorded : December 27, 1990 in Book L 576, Page 2042, Official Records LID: 12/27/90 vydec#285 CB 56318-A LEGAL DESCRIPTION: "Schedule C" Akl that certain real property situated in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara, State of California, described as follows: Lot 20, as laid down, designated and delineated, upon that certain Map entitled, "Tract No. 772 Walnut Dell", and which Map was filed for record in the office of the Recorder of the County of Santa Clara, State of California, on July 24, 1950 in Book 30 of Maps at page I. ARB NO. 287-43-3 E ~"~¢'~"'~c'~-'~RACT NO. 7'r2 WALNUT DELL ~EIN~ A $1..,/~DIVI$10./V OF A t:::)O, eTiON OF ,~E C TION ~ , T T S , ~' / I,/V , MDB c~. M 71 i i I /~&' I I Z7 I Z6 -1 i I I:)AHI ~vIA NOR PAi~IL A~ EMILY L. fla.4RO/V[,./t STATE OF CALIFORNIA Office of the SECRETARY OF STATE SACRAMENTO I, FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State of the State of California, hereby certify: ~; That on the ... l~th day of A%~zust , 19 ~9 , pursuant to the provisions of the "Annexation of Uninhabited Territory Act of 1939,:: more particularly Section 35317 of the Government Code, there was filed in my office: A copy of Ordinance No. 209 of the CITY OF CAMPBELL, certified by DOROTHY TREVETHAN, City Clerk. I further certify that ~he 13th.day of July , 19 59 , is stated in the certificate of said City Clerk as the date on which said ordinance was regularly passed and adopted by the legislative body of said City and Tha~ said ordinance sets forth approval of the annexation to the CITY OF CAMPBELL of certain uninhabited territory, a description of the boundaries and the designation thereof as: "ANNEXATION 1959-8." GREAT SEAL OF THv. STATE OF CALIFORNIA IN WITNESS ?~1EP. EOF, I hereunto set my hand and affix the Great Seal of the State of California this 13th .day of August 19 59 · Signed by: FRANK M. JORDAN, Secretary of State ~ o o o m ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ ~ ~ 0 ~ ~ 0 oo ,Nm o'~ ~ o~ ~ o~ o~ O~ o~ o~ o~ o~ o~ o~ o~ oN ~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Pa m l a r ~ v'e'nu e !:... L ' . Lot I~ i ~omiltor) i Scale' I" = ZOO' ,, 1 /vi .A B' ~ k~'.O IVIiVG' L A f~t~OPOSED TO B~- A/V/VEXED TD 7Z/-{.~ ~lT-? OF CAtWP/J?Ell C A A;;..z.? ,,;-! N HE,Y. /,?,'f'D.-,? /ffAR~ ?/:OA.~45 4 Co. K /- WILLIAMS R~. /7 0 ~lN3NHSIFIONIg3~ c:] :1.~ ¥1N80-1[9¥3 JO 31¥±S -0 ~+ ~L ,AVE. 0 - ® m II 0 0