851 Alamarida (1995)MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: SUBJECT: DATE: CITY OF CAMPBELL DEPT. OF PUBLIC WORKS 70 NORTH FIRST STREET CAMPBELL, CA 95008 (408) 866-2150 /,,,~ ,' RESOLUTION NO. 3005 BEING A RESOLUTION OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL APPROVING A MINOR MODKFICATION TO A SIDE YARD SETBACK TO ALLOW THE CONSTRUCTION OF A SECOND STORY ADDITION TO A SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENCE LOCATED AT 851 ALMARIDA DRIVE IN AN R-l-6 (SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL) ZONING DISTRICT. FILE NO, M 95-08, After notification and hearing, as per the application filed in the Planning Department; and, after presentation by City Staff, proponents and opponents, the hearing was closed. After due consideration of all evidence presented, the Planning Commission did find as follows with respect to File No. M 95-08: That the proposed project is consistent with the City's General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. That the proposed project is considered categorically exempt under Section 15301 (e)(2) of the California Environmental Quality Act. That the said side yard will not be detrimental to the health, safety, peace, comfort or general welfare of persons in the neighborhood or the city as a whole; and That the side yard will not unreasonably interfere with the ability of the adjoining property owners to enjoy access to sunlight, air, privacy or quiet enjoyment of such owner's property. o That the proposed project has been reviewed and approved by the Site and Architectural Review Committee with the suggestion that the applicant consider revising the elevation of the residence to discourage visual impacts of massing and with the request that the tree in the rear yard be maintained for privacy purposes. That adjacent property owners have reviewed the plans and have submitted a written consent approving the proposed addition. Based upon the foregoing findings of fact, the Planning Commission concludes that: The currently existing six (6) foot side yard setback will suffice as a minimum side yard setback requirement with the addition of a second story to the single family residence. Resolution No. 3005 M 95-08 -- 851 Almarida Drive Page 2 o The proposed project is well-integrated with the existing residence and is compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Further, the applicant is notified as part of this application that he is required to comply with ail applicable Codes and Ordinances of the City of Campbell and the State of California that pertain to this development and are not herein spedfied. Approved Project: This approvai is for a minor modification to a side yard setback requirement allowing a currently existing six (6) foot side yard setback to suffice in place of a required nine (9) foot side yard setback requirement to permit the construction of a second story addition on an existing single family dwelling located at 851 Almarida Drive in a R-l-6 (Single Family Residential) Zoning District. A. Project Plans: Project shall substantially adhere to project plans prepared by Hometec Architecture dated September 20, 1990. Building Material: The applicant shall specify the type of roofing material to be used, which shall be subject to approval by the Community Development Director prior to issuance of a building permit. o Landscaping: The applicant shall retain the large tree in the rear yard to provide added privacy between the subject property and the property located to the west. Public Works Requirements: The applicant shall comply with the following standard requirements: Underground Utilities: The applicant shall install electrical, telephone and cable television services underground, in accordance withthe provisions of Chapter 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code and as required by the City Engineer, prior to occupancy. B. f~tOrm Drain Area Fee: If such a fee has not yet been paid, the applicant ~ s,d hail pay the then current storm drainage area fee prior to issuance of a uilding permit. The current amount is $2,000 per acre. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL APPLICATION NO: M 95-08 ADDRESS: 851 Almarida Avenue BY: Harold Housle¥, Land Development Engineer DATE: APPROVED BY: Robert Harary, Ci_ty Engineer Sept.27, 1995 THE APPLICANT SHALL: X Grading and Drainage Hans: Provide preliminary grading and drainage plans for review by the City. X Under~round Utilities: Install electrical, telephone, and cable television services underground, in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 20.36.150 of the Campbell Municipal Code and as required by the City Engineer, prior to occupancy. X Storm Drain Area Fee: Pay the then current storm drainage area fee prior to issuance of a building permit. The current amount is $2,000 per acre. h:almarida.drc(mw)6.0 DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMENT RHEET Date Routed: September 14, 1995 DRC Date ( completeness comments and draft conditions due):September 25, 1995 Preliminary P.C. Date: October 10, 1995 RECEIVED Fire Department Redevelopment AL~en~l~kl;,. ~__: r o- ~ ~ m~gmeerJ~9 ~s~dc~ R~urc~ Architectural Advisor Police Department Engineering Building Division I'llO_IECT DESCRIFTION Site and Architectural Review for approval of a modification to sideyard setback requirements for a second story addition to a single family home per Section 21.08.070 of the Campbell City Code. PROIECT INFORMATION: Application No. M 95-08 Applicant: Matthew T. Dean Property Owner:. Matthew T. And Jayna L. Dean Location: 851 Almarida Drive APN: 279-22-040 General Plan: Low Density Residential Zoning: R-l-6 PROJECT PLANNER: Aki Honda DEPARTMENTAL RECOMMENDATION: If it can be determined that this project will require minimal or no comments by your department/agency, please return this comment sheet with your initials to the Project Planner as soon as possible. Status Initial No Comment Additional information/revisions (see attached) Draft conditions of approval attached MEMORANDUM CITY OF CAMPBELL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT TO: Aki Honda, Planner I DATE: September 27, 1995 FROM: ~//tl/~Robert Harary, City Engineer Harold Housley, Land Development Engineer~ Development Review Committee - Formal Conditions of Approval APPLICATION NO: ADDRESS: APPLICANT: PROPERTY OWNER: PROJECT DESCRIPTION: M 95-08 851 Alrnarida Avenue Mathew T. Dean Mathew T. and Jayna L. Dean 2186 SF Addition SUBJECT: Public Works Department's Conditions of Approval DISCUSSION: The applicant/owner has applied for Site and Architectural approval to enlarge the house at 851 Almarida Avenue from 1381 SF to 3567 SF. This is a 61% increase in area. Street improvements can be required according to the municipal code. The street frontage is improved with a rolled curb and 3 1/2 foot sidewalk. A street light is mounted on a wood pole in front of the adjacent house to the north. Even though it is substandard, the applicant should not be required to upgrade a street light on the neighbors property. Additional streetscape improvements do not seem warranted. The Conditions of Approval are attached. h: almarida, drc(mw)6.0 Resolution No. 3005 M 95-08 - 851 Almarida Drive Page 3 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 10th day of October, 1995, by the following roll call vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Commissioners: Alne, Jones, Kearns, Lindstrom, Lowe, Meyer- Kennedy None Higgins None APPROVED: Jane Meyer-Kennedy, Chair ATTEST: Steve Piasecki, Secretary CITY OF CAMPBELL Community Development Department · Current Planning October 11, 1995 Mr. Matthew Dean 851 Almarida Drive Campbell, CA 95008 Re: M 95-08 - 851 Almarida Drive - Residential Addition/Setbacks Dear Mr. Dean: Please be advised that the Planning Commission, at its meeting of September 26, 1995, adopted Resolution No. 3005 approving your request for a minor modification to a side yard setback to allow the construction of a second story addition to a single family residence located at 851 Almarida Drive. This approval is effective 10 days. following the Planning Commission's action, unless a written appeal is received by the City Clerk, and is subject to the conditions provided in the enclosed Resolution. If you should have any questions regarding the Planning Commission's action, please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned at (408) 866-2140. Sincerely, Aki Honda Planner I cc. Building Department Public Works Department Enclosures: Resolution No. 3005 Approved Plans 70 North First Street . Campbell, California 95008·1423 . TEL 408.866.2140 - F^X 408.379.2572 · TDD 408.866.2790 27922040 851 ALMARIDA DR Suite/App.# DT; JAYNA L ~ 05/10/96 DTB 9600000419 / / BEPM R3 ADD 2ND STORY, AD STAIRS 1752 102854.00 SF DOWNSTAIR AND REMOVE WALLS DOWNSTAIRS AND ADD PLAN CHECK BUILDING PERMIT ELECTRIC PERMIT PLUMBING PERMIT MECHANICAL PERMIT (001.303.3320) 1707.38 ,, " 58. O0 - " 58.00 - - 58.00 MICRO FILM FEE CONSTRUCTION TAX (001.307.3379) 10.00 (001.302.3313) 0.00 GRADING PLAN CHECK (001.303.3319) 0.00 GRADING PERMIT - " 0.00 SEISMIC FEE (res.) " " 10.29 SEISMIC FEE (ind.) " " 0.00 FIRE DEPT. (plan check) " " 0.00 WORK WITHOUT PERMITS PENALTY ............. 0.00 Total Fees Due ......................... 2470.80 Fees Paid To Dat~ ...................... ~ Balance Due ...................... PERMIT ISSUED UNDER 1991 UBC, UMC, UPC 1990 NEC * OWNER * /~/ /