CC Ordinance 2137ORDINANCE NO. 2137 BEING AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CAMPBELL AMENDING CHAPTER 10 OF THE CAMPBELL MUNICIPAL CODE ENTITLED "VEHICLES AND TRAFFIC" APPROVING THE QUINQUENNIAL (5-YEAR) SPEED SURVEY AND RECOMMENDATIONS The City Council of the City of Campbell does hereby ordain as follows: SECTION ONE: That Section 10.32.010, Establishing state speed limit in certain areas, of the Campbell Municipal Code be amended as follows: Under Paragraph B. Prima facie speed limit declared twenty-five miles per hour: Delete Location "Bucknall Road between Virginia Avenue and San Tomas Aquino Road" Delete Location "Virginia Avenue between Bucknall Road and Hacienda Avenue" Add Location "Virginia Avenue between Campbell Avenue and Budd Avenue" Under Paragraph C. Prima facie speed limit declared thirty miles per hour: Delete Location "Bascom Avenue between Campbell Avenue and Hamilton Avenue" Delete Location "Bucknall Road between San Tomas Aquino Road and westerly city limit" Add Location "Bucknall Road between Virginia Avenue and westerly city limit" Add Location "Salmar Avenue between Hamilton Avenue and Harrison Avenue" Under Paragraph D. Prima facie speed limit declared thirty-five miles per hour: Delete Location "Bascom Avenue between Campbell Avenue and southerly city limit" Delete Location "Bascom Avenue between Hamilton Avenue and northerly city limit" Add Location "Bascom Avenue between northerly city limit and southerly city limit just south of Apricot Avenue" Delete Location "Camden Avenue between White Oaks Avenue and easterly city limit" Add Paragraph E, to read as follows: E. Prima facie speed limit declared forty miles per hour: Location Bascom Avenue between Shelley Avenue and the southerly city limit; Camden Avenue between White Oaks Avenue and the easterly city limit. ~~tt~acnrnerll 3 ATTACHMRNT 3_ S[I\4MAiri' OF OiIIN(litFNNlei cnrt: n crtavFV nN nn n tnn c~rnromc 8.5TH PERCENTILE SPEEll (MPH) O. LOCATION/FUNCTIONAL CLASSIFICATION (FHWA SYSTEM MAP) rom/To IR SURVEY DATE POSTED SPEED LIMIT 0(15 0111 RECOM- MENDED SPEED LIMIT nusual Conditions 1 Almarida s/o David Hamilton Avcnuc NB 1/14/2010 25 28 29 25 90-de rec arkin 3 (Local) David Avcnuc SB 1/14/2010 25 26 27 25 90-dc rec arkin 3 Apricot e/o Union Union Avcnuc EB 12/1/2009 20 26 28 20 Narrow street 4 (Locaq Bascom Avenue WB 12/1/2009 20 28 28 20 Narrow street 5 Bascom n/o Hamilton Hamilton Avenue NB 2/11/2010 35 40 41 35 Hi h cd/bike volumes 6 (Major Arterial) Borcllo Drive SB 2/I 1/2010 3S 39 40 35 Hi h pcd/bike volumes 7 Bascom s/o Hamilton Hamilton Avenue NB 2/I 1/2010 all 37 39 35 Bikc route 8 (Major Arterial) Campbell Avenue SB 2/I 1/2010 ~ 30 37 39 3S Bikcroutc 9 Bascom s/o Campbell Cam bell Avenue NB 2/12/20] (l 35 39 40 35 Bikc route 10 (Major Arterial) 500' south of Apricot Avenue (south city limits) SB 35 3H 39 35 Bikc route I]A Bascom s/o Shelley Shelley Avenue NB 2/12/20]0 40 45 44 40 Limited driveway sight distance 11B (Major Artcrialj Highway 85 SB 2/12/2010 40 -- 45 40 Limited driveway sight dis[ancc IZ Bucknall w/o Virginia San Tomas A uino Road EB 1/7/2010 25 32 30 30 13 (Minor Collector) Vir iniaAvcnuc WB 1/7/201(1 25 31 32 30 14 Bucknull w/o STAR Sun Tomas Aquino Road EB 1/7/2010 3(1 32 33 30 IS (Major Collector) 150' west of Fulton Strcct Iwest city limits) WB 1/7/2010 3U 32 32 30 I6 Budd w/o STEX San Tomas Expressway EB I/7/201U 25 30 32 25 Bikc route L7 (MajorCollectorl ~ Virginia Avcnuc WB ]/7/2010 25 29 32 2S Bikc route 18 Budd w/o Winchester San Tomas Expressway EB 1/7/2010 ^_5 32 32 2S Bikc route 19 (Major Collector) Winchester Boulevard WB 1/7/2010 25 32 31 25 Bikc route 20 Burrows s/o Hacienda Pollard Road NB 1/14/2010 25 31 32 25 Narrow street 21 (Minor Coliectorl Hacienda Avcnuc SB 1/14/2010 25 32 33 2S Narrow street 22 Camden e/o White Oaks White Oaks Avcnuc EB 2/12/2010 35 39 42 40 23 (Major Arterial) 100' west of Olympia Avenue (cast city limits} WB 2/12/2010 35 39 42 4(1 24 Campbell w/o Victor Victor Avcnuc EB 2/3/201(1 35 39 40 35 Pcdcstrian safety 25 (Minor Arterial) Sun Tomas A uino Road WB 2/3/2010 3~ 39 40 35 Pcdcstrian safety 26 Campbell e/o Victor Victor Avcnuc EB 2/5/201(1 35 40 42 35 Limited corner sight distance 27 (Minor Arterial I San Tomas Expressway WB 2/5/2010 35 40 41 3J Limited corner sight distance 28 Campbell w/o STAR San Tomas Aquino Road EB 2/5/2010 35 39 37 35 29 (Minor Arterial) Woodglen Drive (west city limits) WB 2/5/2010 35 38 38 35 30 Campbell e/o STEX San Tomas Expressway EB 2/8/2010 3~ 38 40 3S Lett-turn crashes, school crossing 3 ~ (Minor Arterial) Winchester Boulevard WB 2/8/2010 35 36 39 35 Left-turn crashes, school crossinc 32 Campbell w/o Union Railway Avcnuc EB 2/8/2010 30 35 34 30 Bicycle safety, limited driveway sight distance 33 (Minor Artcrialj Union Avcnuc WB 2/8/2010 3U 36 35 3U Bicycle safeq~, limited driveway sight distance 34 Campbell w/o Railway Railwav Avenue EB 2/8/2010 25 20 32 25 3i (MinorArtcriall WinchastcrBoulcvard WB 2/8/2016 2S 21 23 25 36 Campbell w/o Bascom Bascom Avcnuc EB 2/12/2010 3U 34 34 30 Ycdcstriun and bicvclc safety 3? (Minor Artcrialj Union Avamc WB 2/12/2010 30 3~ 36 30 Pcdcstrian and bicycle safcq~ 38 Campbell c/o Bascom Bascom Avcnuc EB 2/I 1/2010 25 33 32 25 Residential strcct with numerous driveways; curved alignment near Midway Strcc[ 9 (MinorCollectorj Leigh Avcnuc WB 2/I (/2010 2~ 33 33 25 Residential strcct with numerous driveways; curved alignment near Midway Street 40 Capri slo Hacienda Hacienda Avcnuc NB 122/2(109 35 32 31 3~ Bike route 41 (Minor Collector) Division Street SB 12/2/2009 25 28 31 2S Bikc route 4~ Central n/o Hamilton Hamilton Avcnuc NB 1/142010 2S 31 '? 35 43 (MinorCollccutri WcstficldAvcnuc SB 1/142010 2~ 30 3~ 44 Central s/o Hamilton Hamilton Avcnuc NB ]/72010 2~ 30 32 °_t Bikc route 45 (Minor Collector; Grant Strcct SB I/7201U ~ 2$ 3(i 30 ~ 2i Bikc route 46 Civtc Center w!o Harrisrn: (MmorArtcrial; Harrison Avcnuc to Fourth Strcet~ WB 2/162010 ~ _,- 29 ~ ~? ~I ~ __" I i ATTACHMENT 3. SUMMARP OF QUINQUENNIAL SPEED SURVEY ON MAJOR STREETS i 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED (MPH) RECOM- LOCATION/FUNCTIONAL POSTED MENDED CLASSIFICATION (FHWA SURVEY SPEED SPEED NO. SYSTEM MAPI From/To DIR DATE LIMIT 2005 201(1 LIMIT Unusual Conditions 47 Creeksidc Way Hamilton Avenue NB 2/16/2010 30 35 33 30 Numerous curves and short intersection spacings; limited driveway sight distance 48 (Minor Collector) Campisi Way SB 2/16/2010 30 36 35 30 Numerous curves and short intersection spacings; limited driveway sight distance Dell n/o Hacienda Sunnyoaks Avenue NB 1/14/2010 30 37 34 30 Limited driveway sight distance 49 50 (Major Collector) Hacienda Avenue SB 1/14/2010 30 35 34 30 Limited driveway sight distance Dell n/o Division Division Street NB 1/14/2010 30 36 35 30 Limited driveway sight distance 51 52 (Major Collector) Hacienda Avcnuc SB llI4/2010 30 3S 37 30 Limited driveway sight distance Hacienda w/o Burrows Burrows Road EB 12/2/2009 25 32 32 25 No sidewalks at various 55 locations 56 (Minor Collector Harriet Avcnuc WB 12/2/2009 25 31 3 i 25 No sidewalks at various locations Hacienda e/o STAR San Tomas Agwno Road EB 13/2/2009 30 37 35 30 No sidewalks at various 5' locations 58 (Major Collector) Virginia Avcnuc WB 12/2/2009 30 37 35 3U No sidewalks at various locations Hacienda w/o Winchcstcr Virginia Avcnuc EB 12/2/2009 30 40 36 30 No sidewalks at various 59 locations 60 (MaiorCollector) Winchcstcr Boulevard WB 12/2/2009 30 43 36 30 No sidewalks at various locations 6I Hacienda e/o Winchcstcr Winchcstcr Boulevard EB !2/2/2009 30 34 32 30 62 (Local) Dcll Avcnuc WB 12/2/2009 30 36 32 30 Hamilton w/o STEk San Tomas Expressway EB 2/10/2010 35 40 40 35 Gmitcd driveway sight distance 63 64 (Major Arterinl) San Tomas Aquino Road WB 2/10/2010 35 q3 40 3S Limited driveway sight distance 65 Hamilton e/o STEX San Tomas Expressway EB 2/10/2010 39 4^_ 38 35 High accident frequency 66 (Major Arterial) Winchcstcr Bonlcvard WB 2/10/2010 35 40 40 35 High accident frcqucnc}' 67 Hamilton c/o Winchcstcr Winchcstcr Boulevard EB 2/16/2010 35 4U 41 3~ High accident fre uencv 6H (Major Arterial] Salmar Avenue WB 2/16/2010 35 39 4I 35 High accident fre ucncy 69 Hamilton wlo Bascom Bascom Avcnuc EB 2/I (/2010 35 38 40 3S High accident frequency 70 (Major ArtcriaU Salmar Avcnuc WB 2/11/2010 3> 40 39 35 High accident frequency 71 Hamilton e/o Bascom Bascom Avcnuc EB 2/] 1/3010 3~ 3R 40 35 Bikc route 72 (Mdar Arterial) Lei ~h Avcnuc WB 2/11/20111 3S 38 4U 35 Bikc route Hamet n/o Westmont Westmont Avcnuc NB 1/14/1010 30 34 38 30 Limited corner sight distance; no sidewalks ut various 73 locations 74 (Major Collectoq San Tomas Ayuino Road SB 1 /14/2010 30 35 37 3U Limited corner sight distance: no sidewalks at various locations Harrison n/o Civtc Ccntcr Civic Ccntcr Dnve NB 1/7/2010 3i 31 30 25 Limited, driveway sight distance 75 76 (Major Collector) Salmar Avcnuc SB I/7/201U 2~ 31 29 2j Limited driveway sight distance Kennedy c/o Winchcstcr Winchcstcr Boulevard EB 1/7/2010 2~ 2 r 28 35 Limited driveway sigh distance: limited sight distance at railroad tracks: school zone 7i 75 (Minor Collector) Railway Avcnuc WB 1/7/2010 ^_5 28 29 25 Limited driveway sight distance: limited sight distance at railroad tracks; school zone Latimer c/o STAR San Tomas Aquino Knad EB 1 /7/2010 25 3' 30 25 Limited drivcwa and corner 79 sigh) distance 80 (Minor Collector) San Tomas Expresswas~ ~ WB 1/7/2010 _^i 34 31 35 Limited drivcwa and corner sight distance 81 Latimer w/o Winchcstcr San Tomas Expressway EE3 1/7/201 U ?~ 9.; 31 25 Limited corner sight distance S2 !Minor Collectori Winchester Boulevar~ WB 1/7/3UIU 2i ll 32 Limited corner sight dtstancc 8? Latimcrc/oWinchcstcr WSnchcstcrBoulevard Eh I I/7/201t~ 2S I 2h ?~ Limrtcdcomcrsightdistancc K lblinorCohcctor~ CcntraiAvcnuc WG I/7/3U11~ ' i 3' I ~o ' ~ Lunhaicomcrsi~htdistanr: ATTACHMENT 3. SU!bINIARY OF QUINQUENNIAL SPEEU SURVEI' ON MA.iO12 STREETS 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED (MPH) RECOM- LOCATION/FUNCTIONAL POSTED MENDED CLASSIFICATION (FHWA SURVEY SPEED SPEED NO. SYSTEM MAP) Frutn/To DIR DATE LIMIT 200 2010 LIMIT Unusual Conditions Leigh s/o Hamilton Dry Creek Road NB 3/1/2010 35 41 42 35 Limited corner sight distance: 85 no bike lane 86 (Minor Atterialj Hamilton Avenue SB 3/1/2010 35 39 42 35 Limited corner sight distance; no bike lane 87 McCov w/o Harriet Harriet Avenue EB 1/7/2010 30 34 34 30 School walkin ~ court S& (Major Collector) Westcity limits WB 1/7/2010 30 33 35 30 School walking route McGlincy w/o Union Curtner Avcnuc EB 2/10/2010 25 33 33 25 Limited driveway sight distance; no sidewalks at 89 various locations 90 (Major Collector) Union Avcnuc WB 2/10/2010 35 34 30 2S Limited driveway sight ~. distance; no sidewalks at ', various locations ~~ Orchard City e/o Third Firs[ Street to Railway Avenue EB 2/16/2010 25 32 29 3S Limited corner sight distance; 91 (Minor Arterial) bike activity 92 Pavne e/o Winchester Winchester Boulevard EB 2/17/2010 25 31 29 25 School walkin ~ route 93 (Minor Collector) Almurida Drive WB 2/17/2010 25 31 29 25 School walking route ~~ 94 Pollard w/o Elwood Elwood Dnvc EB 1/12/2010 35 3R 3R 35 (Minor Arterial] 200' west of Hyde Drive (west WB 2/12/2010 3S 39 37 35 95 city limits) 96 Pollard w/o Burtows Elwood Drive EB 2/14/2010 35 40 39 35 School walking route; no sidewalks at variouis locations (Minor Atterial) Burrows Road WB 2/14/2010 35 41 38 3S School walking route; no sidewalks at variouis locations 97 98 Railway s/o Sam Cava Kcnncdy Avenue NB 1/7/2010 25 3S 34 25 Limited driveway sight distance (Minor Collector) Sam Cava Lane SB 1/7/2010 25 33 32 25 Limited driveway sight distanec 99 100 Rincon w/o Virginia Vir inia Avcnuc EB 1/7/2010 25 29 31 25 Bikc route 101 (Minor Collector) Abbev Lanc WB 1/7/2010 25 28 31 25 Bike route 103 Rineon w/o Winchester Winchester Boulevard EB 2/10/2010 2J 35 33 25 Bike route 103 (MinorCollcctor) Dot Avcnuc WB 2/10/2010 25 33 33 25 Bikcroutc 104 Salmar slo Hamilton Hamilton Avcnuc NB 1/14/2010 25 32 36 30 No sidewalks at various IocaGons; numerous drivewav turning movcmcnts (Major Collector) Harrison Avcnuc SB I/I4/2010 25 33 36 30 No sidewalks at various locations: numerous driveway 105 turning movements 106 STAR No Campbell Campbell Avenue NB 2/16/2010 35 40 40 35 Numerous driveway turning movcmcnts; pedestrian crossings without marked crosswalks (Minor Arterial) Hamilton Avcnuc SB 2/16/21110 35 41 39 35 Numerous driveway turning movements; pedestrian crossings without marked 107 crosswalks 108 STAR s/o Campbell Campbell Avcnuc NB 2/I 1/2010 30 34 37 30 Numerous driveway turning movcmcnts (Minor AneriaU Bucknall Road SB 3/1 ]/2010 3U 32 39 30 Numerous drivewav turning 109 movcmcnts 110 STARn/oHazcl HarrictAvcnuc EB 1/14/3010 25 34 31 3i Limitcddrivewaysightdistancc 111 (Minor Collector) Hazel Avcnuc WB 1/14/2010 25 3S 33 25 Limited driveway sight distanec 112 STAR s/o Hazel Hacienda Avcnuc NB 1/14/20]0 25 39 31 2i Limited driveway sight distanec (Minor Collector) Hazel Avenue SB 1/14/2010 35 38 28 35 Limited driveway sight distance 113 I I4 Sunnyoaks w/o Winchester Virginia Avcnuc EB 12/2/2009 35 35 3 ] 25 Limited corner and drivewa}' sight distanec (Minor Collector( Winchester Boulevard WB 12/2/2009 2S 33 33 25 Limited comer and driveway I I? sigh) distance 116 Sunnyoaks c/o Dcll Dcll Avcnuc EB 1/14/2010 35 32 ~ 31 25 Limited driveway sight distanec: no sidewalks at VaflOatilocatlons ATTACHbIENT 3. SUDIMARY OF QUINQUENNIAL SPEED SURVEY ON MAJOR STREETS 85TH PERCENTILE SPEED (MPH) RECOM- LOCATION/FUNCTIONAL POSTED MENDED CLASSIFICATION (FHWA SURVEI' SPEED SPEED NO. SYSTEM MAP) From/To DIR DATE LIMIT 20(15 2010 LIMIT Unusual Conditions (Mayor Collector) San Tomas Expressway WB ]/14/2010 25 32 33 25 Limited driveway sight distance, no sidewalks at 117 various locations 118 Union s/o Campbcll Campbcll Avcnuc NB 3/1/2010 30 35 36 30 School walking route; numerous driveway turning movements in high-density residential area; fi rc station (Minor Arterial) Dry Creek Road SB 3/1/2010 30 36 36 30 School walking route: numerous driveway turning movements in high-density 119 residential area: fire station ] 20 Virginia No Hacienda Hacienda Avenue NB 1/14/2010 25 32 3 ~ 30 Bikc route: no sidewalks at various locations (Major Collcctoq Budd Avcnuc SB 1/14/2010 35 32 34 30 Bikc route; no sidewalks ut 121 various locations 122 Virginia s/o Bucknall Budd Avenue NB 1/7/2010 35 33 30 25 Bikc route 133 (Minor Collector) Bucknall Road SB 1/7/2010 35 33 3] 3S Bikcroutc 124 West Parr wlo Capri Capri Drive to Pollard Road WH 12/2/2009 35 71 28 35 School walking and bike route: (Local) no sidewalks in various locations Westmont w/o Harriet Harriet Avenue EB 1/14/201(1 30 32 36 30 School walking route 125 126 (Major Collectop Roundtrcc Dnvc fwcst dty WB 1/14/201(1 30 35 37 30 School walking route limits) White Oaks s/o Camden Redding Road NB 2/I 1/201(1 30 37 36 30 Limitcd driveway sight distance 127 128 (M~lor Collector) Camden Avenue SB 2/I 1/3010 30 41 38 30 Limitcd driveway sight distance 129 Whrtc Oaks n/o Bascom Bascom Avcnuc NB 2/10/2010 25 33 27 35 130 (Major Collector) Reddin Roud SB 3/10/2010 35 33 28 25 ] 31 Winchester No Hamilton Hamihon Avcnuc NB 2/3/2010 35 35 37 35 132 (Minor Artcriall 200' north of Rosemary Lane SB 2/3/2010 35 38 34 35 133 Winchcstcr s/o Hamilton Hamilton Avenue NB 2/5/2010 30 38 37 35 134 (Minor Artcriall Laumcr Avenue SB 2/3/2010 30 39 37 35 135 Winchcstcrn/o Campbcll Campbcll Avcnuc NR 2/2/2010 30 38 39 35 136 (Minor Artcriall Lorimer Avcnuc SB 2/2/2010 30 37 37 35 137 Winchcstcr s/o Campbcll Campbcll Avcnuc NB 2/2/2010 30 35 37 3(l High accident frequency 138 (Minor Arterial? Budd Avenue SB 2/2/2010 30 37 36 30 High accidentfre acne 139 Winchcstcrn/o Budd BuddAvenuc NB 2/I/201b 35 39 38 35 140 (Minor Arterial) Camden Avcnuc SB 2/1/2010 35 38 37 35 Winchcstcr n/o Hacienda Camden Avcnuc NB 2/1/201 U 35 45 4O 35 Limited corner sight disancc; 141 high accident frequency 142 (Minor Artcriall Hacienda Avcnuc SB 2/1/2010 35 43 4l 35 Limitcd rnrncr sight disancc: high accident frequency 143 Winchcstcr s/o Hacienda Hacienda Avcnuc NB 1/14/2010 4U 42 42 40 144 (Minor Arterial) Knowles Drive (south city fimdsl SB 1/14/2010 4U 41 42 40 ',. LEGEND: g5 % S ced = 85 Green[ of vehicles travel at or below [hiss ecd SECTION TWO: Effective Date. This Ordinance shall become effective (30) days following its passage and adoption and shall be published once within fifteen (15) days upon passage and adoption in the Campbell Express, a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Campbell, County of Santa Clara. PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of October, 2010, by the following roll call vote: AYES: COUNCILMEMBERS: Kotowski, Kennedy, Furtado, Baker, Low NOES: COUNCILMEMBERS: None ABSENT: COUNCILMEMBERS: None APPROVED: ATTEST: f Anne Bybee, City Clerk Evan D:'Cow, Mayor